
Clear your mind by Mooze [web]

                'clear your mind' - a mooze production for 1996

             released at demolition'96, held at 28th of april 1996
                 copyright (c) mooze 1996. all rights reserved.

.code by unsigned & juffo-wup
   .gfx by no-one
       .music by breadfan
          .midas sound system by petteri kangaslampi and jarno paananen
              .pmode/w by thomas pytel

system requirements

           a fast, definitely _fast_ 486 (for example 486dx4/120/pci) or
           pentium. some sound card would be nice (in case you want to
           hear some noise from your super-multimedia-hyper-speakers or
           what ever you have got). some memory also needed (enough is

this production is made by mooze and released to public distribution with
few limits:

           1. you can't sell or make any profit with this production
              without written permission from the authors (mooze). this
              includes, but is not limited to distributing this production
              on any cd-roms.

           2. we aren't responsible for any losses caused by using or
              distributing this production. use it at your own risk.

ok. enough of that legal stuff. as you might have guessed, this production
was made mainly at the party place (escept the module) in less than 24 hours
and it really looks like that. we are sorry. code is not optimized in any way
and it's almost 100% pure c. we were in hurry. very big hurry. sorry about
that. life sucks. not. however, you don't know what you will get before
you try one.

some personal greets:

           unsigned -> issale, guardian, varanus (coc)
                       mayday (ams)
                       detoo, dipp (sp)
                       scallop (agl)
                       ember (halcyon)
                       zen-ti-nel, wihannes (nordic vision)
                       jiber (tdc)

if you want to contact us for some reason, try these ones:

           c/o tapio „ij„l„
           retkeilij„ntie 18 d 19
           fin-70200 kuopio


           [email protected]

           support boards

           juho's place (v.34, 24h) +358-(9)71-3614966 (absolutely fastest way)
           amorphous bbs (v.34, 24h) +358-(9)60-344014
           astral plane (v.34, 24h) +358-(9)73-733148
           downtown (v.34, 24h) +358-(9)0-3474402

next time you might find us at abduction'96 or then not. who knows. bye4now.