
Dream 4mention by Dead Hackers Society [web]

  | X | ========== http://coolness.home.ml.org ============ | O |
  |       ___________     ______   ______    ____________       |
  |      !           \   !      ! !      !  /           /       |
  |      ! !    _     \  ! !    !_!      ! / /  _______/        |
  |   ___! !   !_\     \_! !             !_\ \         \____    |
  |   :::!     !:/   / /:!       _     ! !::\_______  \ \:::    |
  |   :::!          / /::!      !:!    ! !::/         / /:::    |
  |   :::!___________/:::!______!:!______!:/___________/::::    |
  |   ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::    |
  |   ::::::::::::::[ Dead Hackers Society ]::::::::::::::::    |
  |   ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::    |
  |                      Dream 4mention                         |
                     | X | ======= Credits ======== | O |
                     | Programming................Evil  |
                     |                            Gizmo |
                     | Design.....................Evil  |
                     | Graphics (?)...............Evil  |


         | X | =========== Requirements ============ | O |
         | Machine......Atari Falcon compatible with FPU |
         | Monitor............................VGA/RGB/TV |
         | Memory......4meg ST/FastRam (400k must be ST) |
         | Weather.................................Rainy |
         | Shoes...................................Boots |
         | Food.............................Salami Pizza |
  | X | ============= Dissapointments =============== | O |
  | Well, from reading the name of this little "intro" or |
  | perhaps "demo" you might already have guessed it...   |
  | It just is a conversion of our "Dream Dimension" demo |
  | into 4 kilobytes.                                     |
  |                                                       |
  | However, the shrinking from 1.2 megs into 4 kilobytes |
  | have affected a few things. For starters, there's no  |
  | sound, not even chipmusic. Secondly there's no large  |
  | and colourful textures, and no pictures.              |
  | And last, there is an approx 30 secs init where the   |
  | tables and graphics are being calculated.             |
       | X | ======== A few words from the authours.. ======= | O |
       | We know this isn't very original, or inspiring for other |
       | people. But... it's all we had time to do.
       |                                                          |
       | The init time is annoying, we know that, hell we had to  |
       | live with it all tose time we assembled and tested.      |       
       | But.. it's tricky to make these small ones without some  |
       | precalcs.                                                |

 | X | ========= Files included here.. ========= | O |
 | * vga100hz.prg *                                  |
 | This file runs the demo on VGA, with 100Hz        |
 | frequency. If you have a semi-ok VGA it should be |
 | able to cope with this. If you're not sure about  |
 | if your monitor can do it, hmm.. don't start the  |
 | .prg file, it might damage the monitor.           |
 | If your screen can do this, then go for it, it's  |
 | the best screenmode to choose, it's much faster   |
 | than the RGB ones.                                |
 |                                                   |
 | * vga60hz.prg *                                   |
 | This is for you who have a bad vga, it'll show    |
 | the demo, but in a small "box" on the screen.     |
 | Just there so many people can see it..            |
 |                                                   |
 | * rgb50hz.prg & rgb60hz.prg *                     |
 | This is the RGB/TV versions, I recomend the 60Hz  |
 | file if you're able to run it, it gives a bit     |
 | larger picture than 50Hz.                         |
 |                                                   |
 | * info.prg *                                      |
 | This shows a small picture telling who did the    |
 | demo and for which system it is. The ALT-Party    |
 | rules required this one.                          |
 |                                                   |
 | * 4mention.txt *                                  |
 | Ehm... you're watching it.                        |
        | X | ============== Other crap.. ============== | O |
        | Ehum.. yes, if you manage to mess up your harddisk,|
        | monitor, computer.. or anything else when starting |
        | this thing.. you are responsible for that yourself |
        | we don't dare to give any warranty ;)              |
         | X | ========= Greetings.. ========= | O |
         | Harddiskcrash.. the greetingslist went  |
         | along with that, so.. greetings to      |
         | everyone who wrote us for our past demos|
         | all of you who visited ALT-Party..      |
   | X | ===== We can be written to as well.. ===== | O |
   | Yep.. throw away a letter to [email protected]  |
   | and perhaps you'll even get an answer, that old    |
   | @kuai.se address is no longer is use, and will most|
   | probably stop working. Same thing with the url to  |
   | our homepage, you should not use the old kuai.se   |
   | anymore, but http://coolness.home.ml.org instead.  |
   | That address will always point to the right server.|