
X-Mix I by Dead Hackers Society [web]

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     :::!          / /::!      !:!    ! !::/         / /:::
     ::::::::::::::[ Dead Hackers Society ]::::::::::::::::
                   ________          _______
                   \ ______\        /_____ /
                    \\     \\      //    //
                     \\     \\    //    //
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            ------------- //   I   \\ ------------
                         //         \\
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                   //_____//        \\____\\
                  /_______/          \______\
                            X - MIX  

                       volume number one

               July 30, 1998 - IMParty 7 release

----------------------- Requirements: -------------------------

             Atari Falcon or compatible computer.
           4 megabytes ram, 350k has to be ST-Ram.
          Some hd space (a bit less than 3 megs...)
            Weird musictaste (this is important!)

------------------------ Disclaimer: --------------------------

           DHS takes no respoinsibility for damaged
          musicears and/or damaged computer hardware
          that might occour when running this demo.

---------------------- Compatibility: -------------------------

  We have tested it on 4 and 14 meg Falcons from TOS and MiNT.
         With screenexpanders such as VI2 and Blowup.
              We did not experience any problems.
      If you have FastRam, that can be used except for the
 screenbuffer, which is always reserved from ST-Ram. That means
       about ~3.3 meg FastRam must be free and ~350k ST-Ram.
     For ST-Ram-only owners there must be ~3.7 meg free ram.
  If you suffer from dubblesync problems on VGA (getting twice
  as many vbl interupts) use the included "TwinSync" patch-tsr
 program. Do NOT use this if you have no bug, or are using RGB.

------------------------ Credits: -----------------------------

         toodeloo did all music and the intropicture
    evil made the remaining graphics and the programming
           L De Soras made the Graoumf replayroutine
                  Axe did the ICE-Depacker

------------------------ Contact: -----------------------------

                toodeloo: [email protected]
                 evil: [email protected]

                      world wide web:

------------------------- Tips: -------------------------------

If you didn't already know.. our earlier musicdemos on Falcon
have hidden songs..  Well, not all of them, but here are the 
ones.. how how to find them:

Chippin' For air!
Press 'q' and 'k' for two hidden songs!

Chippin' for air2!
Press 'w' and '8' for twi hidden songs! One being an 8channel
remix of the "Wings of life" song from Chip1.

Just Musix 3.
This confused alot of people.. cause we gave a hint that it
could include a hidden song. Well, it didn't really. We put
the hidden song on Toodeloos homepage instead. ;-)

Chippin' for air3!
This one doesn't have any hidden ones. Weird, ehh?

Chippin' for air4!
Two hidden ones, "clr home" and "6" on the numpad!

------------ Greetings (in special unorder): ------------------

Mind Design, Wildfire, Avena, Poets of decay, Cobra, Collapse,
Checkpoint, 2-Life Crew, Aura, Effect, FUN, IMPonance, Toys,
The Black Lotus, Lazer, Istari, Maggie Team, New Beat, YesCrew,
Mystic Bytes, Reservoir Gods, Aggression, .tSCc.,

Joakim Andersson, Dasse, Sundance, Joost van Schoot, Prana,
Matthew Couldson, Dixy, Jeroen Tel, Jogier Liljedahl, Ming,
Fabio Barzyagli, Anders Akerheden, Dr cucumber, Tronic, 
Virtuos, Goldfinger, Niklas Sundin, db, Mogwai, Curt Kool,
Drax, Laxity, zpp, zond3, djamm, dj neutron, james smith,
duke, musicgirl, litikk, great fox, cyberzip, heatseeker,
lisa a, steve gilmore, novus, katchor, cedyn, dipa,

Did we forget you? If so, that's probably because we (and
probably nobody else) have heard from you in a long time, get

------------------- About the music: --------------------------

These songs are nothing for the ones who think that "S.O.A.P." 
or "Aqua" make really cool music.

No, the X-MIX series are made for people that like different
music. Experimental. Which isn't mainstream and so on.

You might have seen "X-MIX" on MTV at late nights (usually at
the excellent "chillout zone" show). Our X-MIX Falcon-demos are
influenced by those, and sometimes some of the tunes are 
converted from "the real thing".

------------------- About the demo: ---------------------------

What demo? I hear you say..  Well there isn't any demo effects
to look at. We know this and critic demo-reviewers should not
see this as a demo, but as a musicrelease!

Well take it or leave it.. It's sparse on gfx movement of a few
reasons, the main one being lack of cpu time. The other lack of
RAM. However, Toodeloos experimental songs now run without
the need for an accelerator, or need for more than 4 megs ram.

That's what you get in return for the graphically quite tame

Now let's chillout for a while!