
Beer Makes Girls Look Prettier by The Black Rain

 ³ Sooo, an another info file to write, nngh.                              ³
 ³ This thing sucks but has to B done just 2 B Fucking formal.             ³
 ³                                                                         ³
 ³ We're in a bit of a hurry so I'll cut this thing short;                 ³
 ³ It took about half a year to get ourselfs together and release          ³
 ³ this ultimate intro Called "Beer makes girls look prettier" and         ³
 ³ it's supposed to be a preview on our upcoming GigaCool Demo,            ³
 ³ still Untitled. [Erwin wants to point out that the GUS player is        ³
 ³ just a beta version, or whatever (v.0+0.nn), and may fuck U up]         ³
 ³ Ok, I'll cut the chase, here R the GREETINGS:                           ³
 ³                                                                         ³
 ³   Admire, Anarchy, Avalanche, Crypton, Digital Infinity, Dynax, Epical  ³
 ³    Future Crew, Imphobia Crew, Keen Like Frogs, Onyx, Paranoids, S!P.   ³
 ³                                                                         ³
 ³   Al, Archie, BogenBroom, Compiler, Eddie, Elvis, Ice, Joey, PolarBear  ³
 ³     SodaCan, Wicked, All users of Nether World and c00l dudes on IRC.   ³
 ³                                                                         ³
 ³  (Klamydia helped as to survive)                                        ³
							LifeGuard & Linel Z '94
To Contact:

        Linel Z / TBR           Voice: +358-71-343978
        Keskikaari 42 B
        70420  Kuopio           Internet: [email protected]

  The NetherWorld / BlackRain WorldHeadQ - +358-71-2619957 - 24 Hours a day
  The Lycaeum / BlackRain Dist. Site       + 41-41-762 989 - 24 Hours a day

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