
transcendental by aurum

 Transcendental by Aurum
released at the Assembly 99

music by surreal
graphics by cool-hive
code by neurite, svok and troot

actually a very old unfinished demo, this,
planned for the Bushparty in 1998. :)

We must warn you:
it needs windows, directX and well a
decent machine. 

In sound setup, use "very high" mixing

The demo runs in 320x200 resolution, but
the images we use are originally more
detailed. Therefore we have included
garden.jpg and corpse.jpg in hi-res for
your pleasure.

we use MIDAS and openPTC,
thanks a lot to the creators of those.

and also, ultra-super-ultra-kebab-thanks to:
who lent me their machine at assembly!

ok. contact us:
[email protected]