ED Jubileum Demo by Prophets [web]
Text (c) Prophets 1997 (Printed by CRT inc hehe) YEah! (Prophets) IN da HOUSE! RokkinG DA HOuse LIVE in Stereo in 1997 YO! WordUP!!!!!! HALleluja. Reverend WHITE Paulus! We're baq on traq with anoda' GREEEAt ReLeaSE. "ED-jubileum demo" (Santa Claus saizz: DIz Iz a monster ganja-piece o' craftsmansHip! ANd There Ain't no one who will tell you it ain't) Requierments: Processor: For viewability :) Pentium 133 MHz Theoretical barrier: 386 DX NO we don't make use of MMX! Memory: 6 Megz of ems/xms Zum koventiona(L) for environment-loader Disk: 1.2 MB OS: MS-DOS zum verzion, Coz Extended Uze of System-timer interrupt Files: pkunzip with -de TIP: If you want to reconfigure the sound-card delete the sound.cfg file. Tested on: Pentium 75 MHz,133 MHz Soundblaster compatible "JAZZ"-card 8-bit mixing Soundblaster 8 bit 44 Khz 8-bit mono/stereo Soundblaster 16 bit 44 Khz 16-bit/8-bit mono/stereo NOsound Exits automatically if started from pre windows 3.1, DEsqview, enhanced, 386 post windows 3.1, W95 * Demo-Info Fully synchronized(realtime): by Paulus Hooked escape-procedure=> You can escape from every section: by Paulus About 7000 lines of code. (Including Assembler instructions) Compact code. Lots of Pascal: Pascal 30% (Only in macro-structural coding/ design) Assembler 70% (Mainly in graphics-procedures) "ET3D" (c) Pablo de Heras (Paulus) Easy-to-use 3D realtime rendering system by Paulus. Features: flat/gouraud-shading obj-to-obj sorting routines=> complex scenes (Means that every sorted element also contains an object-pointer) texture-mapping (flat-shaded) camera,rotations,translations implemented in matrices=>FAST good hierarchic structure 1: Intro Paulus. cool religious music, ofcoz roto-zoomer of full-screen. IT ain't a 256*256 bitmap but 320*200. screen masked on roto-zoomer nice flashy pallette procedures Rest of demo-music: Spacefight by Paulus 2: Two Toruses code:Paulus fire-procedure: Herbsman fire-points flat-shading gouraud-shading moving light-source 3: Face code:Paulus fire-procedure: Herbsman gouraud-shaded face moving light-source fire in background 4: Lens code: Herbsman gfx:Paulus 5: Fire-part Herbsman. smooth on text triangular fractal moving and calculated realtime. Fire. fire on text 6: Textured face Paulus. I think it's quite a funny little scene. Paulus' face is textured onto 3d-mesh 7: Exit-part Paulus 3D dolphin in 20 morphed 3d-frames (hierarchic object) 3D bended donut moving light-source attached to donut=> oceanic feeling I think scene contains 1363 faces inter-object sorted and gouraud-shaded RESPECT! Deez Luminous releases so FaR: (Ragga-ganja-RavE-Quality ONLY!) *Christmas Turkey (YO! rating 5/5) (Code: Paulus,Herbsman Music: Mustafa) *CF-demo (YO! RaTinG Infinity und BeYonD) (Code: Paulus Additional Gfx: Schizo Fren) *CHristmas Turkey II (Intro) (13k woW smallest thing we have ever composed) (COOl!!) (Code: Paulus Additional code: Herbsman ) *ED-JUBILEUM DEMO (with Christmas Turkey II Operating Shell) (YO! Rating mEGA-hiT) (Code: Paulus,Herbsman Music: Paulus) (INcrediBLe New Trickzz of da Trade ;) Yeah right!) (PM (Protected MOdE) and 32-bit DEstructions) ???? Chistmas TURkeY II (Release probably 1997 anno domini) Membaz: Handle FUnCtIon MariTial Status Shoosize Hair-colour Paulus code,music,gfx single 45 « dark-brown Herbsman code,gfx single 46 fair Shizo Fren gfx single 40(not sure) temporary black GrEEEEEETZZ ARE Neutron-bombed to:(No special order :-) ) Anarchy PC/AmiGA (Comment) Asphyxia (Denthor gave us a first push into ASM. Thanks!) CNCD (HIgh Five! Kool Afro-team in "Inside") Complex (Jmagic Is Magic) Cubic Team (Wordup Pascal! Great namE indeeD (Pascal I Mean)) Dps (Klax YO!) Future Crew (I Bow to thee) Realtech (HoW (Indian) ! Great SUPER vga hackers) $een (Comment) Triton (Ni r bra! Sverige RUlar SCenen) Yodel (Tekkno!) + ALL the onez We Forgot yes! And to all of dem KIdz out dere: Don't code Demos without your parents permission. Coding will: turn your computer into an AI who will eat your girlfriend, make you creative AND extremely WILD! /Paulus Of Prophets LIVING Da LIfe TO Da MAX!!!!!! (And I don't have a Tax, huh uh huhuh) sENd fLAMes/hate-letters/threats/(and frienly letters) HERE: [email protected] Added: 05-07-97 We are probably stepping into either Windows DirectX/OpenGL or deeper into DOS. Hmmm. DJGPP seems cool. Real 32-bit PMODE with FLAT memory model of 4GB, I like it, yes. Pascal is probably dead and buried for our part, 16-bit pmode ain't enough. Yeah, yeah, stop reading this sh*t. I think we stick to DOS for the speed, for a while at least. To recite a kewl group constellation (Yodel+DPS) "286 world domination" Over and out. Go out and find meaning in this world :) /Paulus
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