fr-057.cns: Arancia by Conspiracy [web] & Farbrausch [web]
conspiracy and farbrausch joyfully presents to you: fr-057.cns: Arancia the revenge of the supersheep a 4k intro for Horde 2007 \o/ a roughly 8-hour partyhack from pretty much scratch, since we were inclined to do something. code, design, syncing and visuals in general: kb / farbrausch additional code, synth and music: gargaj / conspiracy crinkler provided by tbc and loonies .kklangzeug provided by limp ninja greetings go to: skim (<3!!!) dream merchants jumalauta (LOL!) matt current neurosis united force mfx \ spinning kids |- (yes, dixan is here) shitfaced clowns / tbl (rubberduck left already though) the obsessed maniacs
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