KXXT by wx
ÖÐÎļò½é Õⲿ×÷Æ·ÐèÒª¼ÆËã»ú¾ß±¸£º 1¡¢windows 98»ò¸ü¸ß 2¡¢°²×°ÓÐdirectx 9.0»ò¸ü¸ß 3¡¢Ö§³Ö3DÏÔ¿¨ 4¡¢CPU 500MhzÒÔÉÏ 5¡¢ÄÚ´æ512M»òÒÔÉÏ ÔËÐÐËüÐèÒªÄãÈ«²¿µÄ´¦ÀíÆ÷ºÍÄÚ´æ×ÊÔ´£¬½¨Òé²»ÒªÆô¶¯ÆäËû´°¿Ú»ò³ÌÐò ¼ò½é KXXT by wX Ò»²¿76KBµÄ´«Æ涯» ½«Ê¹Äã¸ßÐË ½«Ê¹ÄãÃÀÀö ½«Ê¹ÄãÁ÷ÐÐ ½«Ê¹ÄãÀí½â ½«Ê¹ÄãÏàЊʹÓÃÁË´«ËµÖеļ¼Êõ£¬³äÂúÁËÆæ¼£ 40ÖÖ¶à²ÊµÄ²ÄÖÊ£¬´óÔ¼10MB 7·ÖÖÓµÄÉùÒô£¬15MBµÄÒôƵÁ÷£¬°Ë¸öÒô¹ì 16,777,216ÖÖÉ«²ÊµÄÃæ ¹²¼Æ´óÔ¼ 725,123 ¸ö¶¥µã 857,432 ¸öÈý½ÇÃæ ²»°üÀ¨Ô˶¯µÄ¼¸ºÎÌå ×ܼÆ3,492¸öopers ÄÇËãÆðÀ´ÓÐ1GBµÄÊý¾ÝÁ¿£¬Ñ¹Ëõµ½76KB£¬»òÊÇ˵13000:1µÄѹËõÂÊ£¡ ¸ÃÊǸıäÄã˼άµÄʱºòÁË£¡£¡ ÁªÏµÎÒ£¬°ïÖúÎÒ£º [email protected] ÄãÃǶÔÆäÖм¼Êõ¸ÐÐËȤµÄ»°£¬ÔÙ¿´Ã÷°×¶¯»×îºóʱÎÒµÄÏ£Íû¡£ Ï£ÍûÓдóѧÈÏ¿ÉÎÒºÍËý£¬Ê¹ËýºÍÎÒÄܽøͬһËù´óѧ£¬ÎÒÃÇͬʱҲ»áÓóɼ¨Ö¤Ã÷µÄ¡£ Ó¢Îļò½é The Intro requires a pc with - windows 98 or better - directx 9.0 or better - a 3d graphics card - a 500Mhz pentium-class cpu or better - 256MB ram Running it needs all your Cpu resources and EMS memory KXXT by wX INTRO In 76kb Will Make You HAPPY Will Make You Beautiful Will Make You Popular Will Make You Understand Will Make You BELIEVE Use the legendary technology and it's full of mystery 40 colorful textures, thats about 10 MB 7 minutes of sound 15 MB of wave data, in about 8 tracks 16,777,216 colored and textured triangles About 725,123 vertexs 857,432 triangles not including animated geometry 3,492 operators in total That's a grand total of 1GB of data! or a compression ratio of 13000 to 1! It's time to change YOUR Mind! About the intro: I'm at least surprised by the quality of the results.Anyway,it's fun and congratulations on your great work. Release notes: I know many of you are going to hate the use of copyrighted music. I had no way to a musician who could make a song for me at the time I started it as well. it's just so-so. Contect me: [email protected] [email protected] (MSN contact)
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