
Optical by ADDiCT [web]

                     presentation for mekka & symposium 2001
                               pc demo compo

   :   :  : :: ::: :::: ::::: ::::::\                             ._.
                                  :::\    frost neuroup reve      / \_
                                  ::::\   shexbeer  traymuss      \../
     _____                        :::::                           /\/
    /  _  \  _______  ____     ___::________   ______  _____     /
   /  / \  \/ ____  \/  _/__  _\_/__\      /___\____ \/    /   \/
  /  /   \ /  \_____/   ___/-/    /   \_____/   ___/ /  __/----/
  \      / \____\   \________\___/__________\________\________/
   \____/--'         .            .....                   _  /
               _____/   addict laboratories 2001(c)   __ /  /
           .  /     \    _  ...........              /  X__/
            \/         _/ \                          \_/inS[kA]

   frost-code & design    neuroup-3d stuff   reve-"babe" picture
   shexbeer-graphic & design, add 3d        traymuss-music stuff

       __________ ___ __ _  _   _    _     _
     _/ ____/__
::  / \____   / :: some words from coder
:::::___________:::::: ::::: :::: ::: :: :  :   :    :     :

Most of this demo was coded on Celeron 466 with 16 MB TNT card
and Windows 2000. Great thanks to my friend Bogdan Lachendro
for letting me use his machine to code Geforce specific
effects. I got myself GF2MX just few days ago (finally!).
You are going to miss some effects on non-GF cards. I strongly
recommend you get Detonator 10.x or 11.x series drivers.
Demo will not run on cards not supporting 32 bit redering with
stencil buffer. 512x512 textures are also nice thing we used.
This demo intensively uses glCopyTexSubImage2D. This function
was very slow and is generally optimized only on latest drivers.
It has reasonable performance on GF cards but still causes 
slowdowns and generally can't match performance of DX8
SetRenderTarget. I am currently looking for ways to optimize
it using Pbuffers and associated stuff but unfortunately I
wasn't able to implement it in the party version.
I haven't managed to test it on cards other than NVIDIA due to
lack of time. Expect final version featuring mp3 music, bug
fixes, better compatibility with other cards (esp ATI Radeon -
currently you won't even get dot3 on these) etc - I am sure
we will release it, because I have given my word to Traymuss
that there will be a version with mp3 when we were eating
pizza at Addict Anniversary party.
Libraries used: UPX,zlib,libpng,BASS,Intel JPEG Library.
 Credits to all authors of these.
In case of any problems/questions feel free to contact me:
[email protected] OR
[email protected]

       __________ ___ __ _  _   _    _     _
     _/ ____/__
::  / \____   / :: some words from Neuroup
:::::___________:::::: ::::: :::: ::: :: :  :   :    :     :

I would like to thank Newtek for Lightwave which is a wonderful
piece of software. Without it this demo would never exist. I 
tried it lots of times but I simply can't use another 3D 
animation&modelling software (e.g. 3D Studio). I hope that in
the next demo I will be working on I am able to use bones and
uv texturing, and I hope you are going to see our next release
soon. I wold like to thank Shexbeer for drawing wonderful
textures to this demo. His illness helped this demo a lot.
[email protected]

       __________ ___ __ _  _   _    _     _
     _/ ____/__
::  / \____   / :: some words from Shexbeer
:::::___________:::::: ::::: :::: ::: :: :  :   :    :     :

After few days of figthing with flu,Photoshop,Lightwave and
Frost's VFS_Packer I can finally say it's over. I have just
packed final datafile for Optical demo and I can say I am
proud. The work was very hard for me due to my illness and I
still don't feel as well as I should. But looking at final
version I think it was worth it. Those of you who had an
occasion to see preview of this demo (mostly, but not only,
Addict members) may be a little shocked because demo looks
almost absolutely different since that time. Well, 5 days 18
hours a day can do a lot. May sound funny but my illness helped
here because I had few days of free time as I didn't have to
go to work. Optical is piece of Frost's hard work combined 
with IMHO excellent Traymuss' music. This demo wouldn't be what
it is without great amount of work from Neuroup and Reve.
I think that together we managed to achieve very nice final

Addict homepage:
The page is under huge reconstruction now, so don't bother 
telling us about broken links, wrong info etc. now.

WE STILL ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!