Coral 2 by Infinite [web]
iNFiNiTe ______________________________________ product: Coral 2 releasedate: May 15th, 2004 type: Trackmo This is Infinite's contribution to the MRC underwater challange. Please note that this product is not really a demo, it's a trackmo, a videoclip so to speak. So, the core element of this entry is the music, the visuals are a bonus. Get 640kb in your Moonsound at once :) ______________________________________ minimum system requirements: MSX : MSX 2 RAM : 128kb VRAM: 128kb Moonsound (512kb) ______________________________________ recommended options: Compact Flash/Harddisk ______________________________________ tools used: Chaos Assembler 3 tniASM Bitbuster BMP2scr7-5 (*) 5tile Soundforge 5.0 * in-house tool, by Wolf ______________________________________ contact details [email protected] ______________________________________ Detailed credits: Logo: Chaos: code BiFi: code improvements Wolf: idea plasma logo tools Waterwave: Chaos: code BiFi: code Wolf: ideas animation Slideshow: BiFi: code Wolf: font Kathleen Skye: poem Overal: Wolf: music & concept ______________________________________
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