
Freedom CD Intro

OCTOBER 13th 1995


It was roughly eight months ago when I discussed the possibility of a
sequel to ESCAPE with Snowman (Christopher G. Mann).  He liked the idea--
again--and I liked the idea of creating a better CD.  So once again I 
undertook this long walk but not without the help of a lot of talented 


All the printing, mastering, and CD pressing was done in the Unite States
of America.  However, much of the art, music, and files were created in
other countries.


Remember ESCAPE?  It was released approximately 1 year ago with MC2 digital 
audio and 209 megs of demos/music/stuff.  ESCAPE was a mixed mode CD and 
that was also my plan for the FREEDOM CD.  However, Popcorn (ex TraxWeekly
editor) asked me about a 2 CD solution--separate Audio and Data.  I thought 
"Great Idea" but I need more DATA and I need to research the cost.  Popcorn
led me to Ryan Cramer who could help with the data collection thanks to a
T1 line he had access to.  When I learned adding another CD would only add
about $3 to the price the dual CD idea became more of a reality.  Discussions
with the Hornet crew convinced me to "Go for two."  Thus FREEDOM became 2
CDs three-quarters the way through the project.

General Info:

The FREEDOM CDs come in a 2x CD jewel box (aka Brilliant-Box) with a full 
color (on one side) 6 page insert.  A vinyl sticker is also included with 
every CD--check ftp.cdrom.com /demos/hornet/freedom for the sticker graphics 
as four stickers were created.  See "orderfrm.txt" for ordering information.

The Data CD:

The data CD (ISO-9660) contains approximately 542 megs worth of music by
artists, music disks, Music Contest 1, 2, and 3 entries, trackers, 
music players, all TraxWeekly, DemoNews, and Imphobia issues, demos,
intros, graphics from various compos/artists, a demobook, the full CODE
directory from ftp.cdrom.com, ansi packs, and a bit of other scene related
stuff.  The data for this CD was gathered from:  ftp.cdrom.com, ftp.mpoli.fi,
peace.wit.com, dragon.axs.net, Ryan Cramer's BBS, and a variety of musicians
archives.  View the "dirlist.txt" file for the contents of the data CD. 

The Audio CD:

The audio CD consists of the top 12 MC3 Veteran winners and top 3 MC3 Rookie
winners as well as songs by The REW, Cybelius, Zodiak, Jason, and Krystall.
Here is exactly how things are arranged on the CD:

 TRACK 1 : Kingdom Skies, Jase, 4:45
 TRACK 2 : The Crossing, Necros, 4:28
 TRACK 3 : Drift, Nemesis, 4:54
 TRACK 4 : Wanderlust, Leviathan, 3:13
 TRACK 5 : Second Thoughts, Big Jim, 4:41
 TRACK 6 : Sendoff Flight, Markell P. Moss, 3:48
 TRACK 7 : Can't Fake Michelle, Shikando, 2:33
 TRACK 8 : Babewatch, Ryan Cramer, 4:02
 TRACK 9 : Fate, Roberto Barabino, 3:38
 TRACK 10: Forgotten Dreamtime, FireLight, 3:07
 TRACK 11: Phoebe, Esper Division, 4:31
 TRACK 12: Betrayal of Innocense, Future Assassin, 2:56
 TRACK 13: Bits & Bytes, Mayhem, 3:30
 TRACK 14: Upwardly Mobile, Morph, 2:39
 TRACK 15: Respire, Spyder, 2:56
 TRACK 16: Atlantic Shores, The REW, 2:41
 TRACK 17: The Rainy Road, Cybelius, 2:05
 TRACK 18: Respirator, Zodiak, 3:03
 TRACK 19: All I Feel Is Hate, Jason Brotherton & Kristen Brandeburg, 3:28
 TRACK 20: Night of Dreams, Krystall & Cynthia, 4:51
 TOTAL TIME: 71 mins 51 secs


Here I am, a year after ESCAPE doing another CD.  Pretty crazy huh.  When
people I know, unrelated to the scene, hear about the time/money I've 
invested ($6000+ and 8 months) they think I'm nuts.  "Make some money,"
they say even though I tell them I can't because of what I am selling.

Yes, I guess you have to be a little insane to tackle a project like this
and invest as much money/time as I have.  Now for what you have all been
waiting for...

The price for the FREEDOM CD was derived from the following COSTS:

DESCRIPTION                              |  COST
Software--Quark Express (Upgrade) 3.3    | $  30
Postage/Shipping cost for letter/etc.    | $ 125
2 DAT Tapes                              | $  19
Four stickers (250 each for 1000)        | $  94
1 GIG SCSI HD (Which I hope to donate)   | $ 407
Telephone Calls (some estimation)        | $  69
Printing (1100 inserts)--RIDDLE PRESS    | $ 722
DAT to CD-R--Digital Editing & Mastering | $ 178
HD to CD-R--David Hughes (2 CDs created) | $  67
Address Labels                           | $  11
800x2 CDs pressed--3M                    | $4071
Mailers, tape, boxes, etc (estimated)    | $ 160
Total COST                                 $5953

Using this figure of $5953 I then divided by 700 as 100 CDs will be
given away to helpers/etc.  This gave me a figure of $8.50 which is my
"at cost" CD price.  It cost approximately $1.50 to ship in the US and
$3.00 to ship to Europe.  To be fair to everyone I decided to charge $12  
regardless of location.  In actuality the people in the US/Canada are
paying a little more to subsidizing my losses of mailing overseas.


A lot of equipment, music, stuff was used in the creation of the two CDs
that make up FREEDOM.

To create the AUDIO DAT master John Eccles, our studio "apartment" engineer
utilized the following equipment:

 Magitronic 75Mhz Pentium 8 Megs RAM
 Sony 17sf Monitor
 1.44 floppy 

Audio Equipment:
 Alesis Quadaverb Signal Processor
 Garrard GEQ-330 Graphic EQ
 Sony STR-D1090 Receiver
 Sony DTC-790 DAT Digital Tape Deck
 Sony CDP-315 CD Player
 Aiwa AD-F770U Analog Cassette Deck
 Sony MDR-V200 Headphones
 POC-15A Optical Cable
 Assorted Sony Stereo Cables ;)
 Mastering on TDK DAT Tapes

 120VAC Intermittently Supplied by Florida Power & Light

Noteworthy Assistance by:
 Massive amounts of Diet Coke and Marlboro Lights!

In the creation of the DATA CD, art, and etc. I utilized the following
equipment (some of which was used/borrowed from my place of employment):

 SuperMicro Intel Triton motherboad, P90 processor, and 16 megs of RAM
 ADI 3G 14" monitor
 Supra 14.4 internal Modem
 Gravis Ultrasound w/ 1meg DRAM
 Plextor 4 Plex w/ 1meg cache
 Diamond Stealth Video VRAM (2megs VRAM)
 1.44 Floppy drive
 IOMEGA 100meg ZIP drive (backup)
 Trakker 250 QIC
 HP IV (600 dpi printer)
 Panasonic 2123 (24 pin)
 Western Digital 250/550 meg Hard Drives
 Fujitsu FJ1606S 1080MB SCSI Hard Drive
 American Power Conversion surge protector
 Generic Telephone line surge protector

 Utils:  Pkzip, pkunzip, lha, arj, munpack, binhex, uudecode, xxdecode 
 Win 95 beta running Word Perfect 6.0 for mostly printing and spell checking
 Windows 3.11
 Quark Express 3.3 for Windows (all art layout)
 Photoshop 2.5.1 (CMYK conversions and collage layout)
 Qmodem 4.31
 WinFax Lite
 Corel Draw 4

Other misc equipment:

 Denon Receiver (DRA-325R)
 Denon CD Player (DCD-620)
 Denon Cassette Deck (DRM-500)
 Thorens Turntable (TD280MkII)
 AKG 240 Monitor Headphones
 Klipsch Kg2 Speakers
 DAK Stereo Power Controller

The music that kept me going during the tough times:
 LizardKing's Physiology album, Rollins Band,  Suicidal Tendencies, The Cure,
 Operation Ivy, The Sundays, Stereolab, P.J. Harvey, Hole, Depeche Mode,
 Cocteau Twins, New Order, The Prodigy, Bjork, Pizzicato Five, Black Flag,
 The Cranberries, Edie Brickell, Madonna, Juliana Hatfield, Future Sounds
 of London, Black Sabbath, David Lantz, David Arkenstone, The Smiths, Men
 at Work, Dead Kennedys, Til Tuesday, The Art of Noise, FTZ, The Best of
 the Amiga Scene, Escape, Orbital, Spoke, The Cannanes, The Meatmen, and 
 lots of assorted SKA.

And my drinks of choice: 
 Snapple Lemon flavored ICE TEA
 Gatorade (any flavor)


As many of you know this CD is being released about a month later than
was originally anticipated.  Looking back I probably should not have even
mentioned that "mid September" released.  However, setting goals and 
deadlines can be good.  If I had left the date open I would probably have
been more apathetic and you may not have even seen the CD.  Not everything
comes up roses in a project like this--delays like the completion of MC3 and
when the art will be completed are often unpredictable.  Finding people
willing to contribute, getting permissions, and keeping things running 
smoothly took up the majority of my time and often left me frustrated.  I'm 
glad the CD is finished and hope no one feels disappointed.


Can you top this?  That was my intentions with this CD.  To top the "Escape"
CD produced last year.  With a lot of peoples help I have succeeded.  You 
will find the printing, sound, and production better than last years CD.
This has been a DIY (Do It Yourself) project which I hope will be a growing
trend in the future of the scene. 


In a big project like this there exist a large amount of people who deserve
credit for helping.  Below is everyone I which to greet and say thanks to.

Christopher Mann ([email protected]):
- Christopher is the creator of the Music Contest (MC) and now the maintainer
  of the "hornet" demo site.  With out him there would have been no incentive
  to do Escape or Freedom. [USA]

Primal ([email protected]):
- Primal (or Quang) was the jack of all trades for this CD.  He helped with 
  coding of the demo book, art, music, sticker creation, ascii, permissions,
  and web site among other things. [USA]

George Nowik ([email protected]):
- George helped in the organizing of MC3.  Without him to collect all the
  entry forms and spread the word we probably wound not have gotten as many
  entries as we did. [USA]

PL (no E-mail):
- PL (or Pascal) is the artist for Imphobia who did the front cover and jail 
  corridor used in the collage. [Belgium]

ToneDef ([email protected]):
- ToneDef (or Kon Wilms) is a member of ICE whom I contacted a bit late 
  about doing some art for the CD after other potential artist were not
  responding to my E-mail. He delivered an amazing back cover. [South Africa]

Xten ([email protected]):
- Xten (or Rob) is another member of ICE who created a sticker and did the
  tray card art.  His font/logo artistic abilities shine. [USA]

Stony ([email protected]):
- Stony (or Pim van Mun) created the CD label art for Escape and Freedom.
  He also contributed the inside booklet collage.  All I can say is weird
  wild stuff. [The Netherlands]

Dana Dominiak ([email protected]):          
- Dana created the front cover for Escape and contributed a sticker design
  for Freedom.  She is a great artist who also runs Webfoot Technologies
  which is helping distribute this CD. [USA]

The DON (no E-mail):
- The DON submitted a lot of little art pieces for the CD.  I ended up
  using a jap anime picture I liked for the collage. [South Africa]

Puppet Head ([email protected]):
- A great artist I had high hopes for with Escape and Freedom.  He created
  the diskmag "acid in wonderland" some of you may have seen.  Unfortunately
  he only sent me one picture.  I put it in the collage :) [USA]

Visigoth ([email protected]):
- Visigoth (or Steve Stiles) has been creating a lot of art for demo parties
  around the globe.  I used one of the pictures he entered in a compo for
  the collage. [USA]

Ryan Cramer ([email protected] / [email protected]):
- Ryan collected the majority of the Music/Data on the data CD.  We were
  able to get most of the mpoli archives before the site went down.  Ryan
  also as a great tune (from MC3) on the audio CD. [USA]

Grinner ([email protected]):
- Grinner (or Chris Graves) and his friend Joe Miragliuolo created the
  Eruption sticker for the CD.  Grinner also convinced me to have the
  graphics directory on this CD and gathered most of the pics. [USA]

Tumblin ([email protected])
- Tumblin helped out with permissions, the code directory, and gave me tips
  on what stuff I should include on the data CD. [CANADA]

Music on CD (in order of Track #):
1  Jase ([email protected]) [Australia]
2  Necros ([email protected]) [USA]
3  Nemesis ([email protected]) [USA]
4  Leviathan ([email protected]) [USA]
5  Big Jim ([email protected]) [United Kingdom]
6  Markell Moss ([email protected]) [Canada]
7  Shikando ([email protected]) [Finland]
8  Ryan Cramer ([email protected]) [USA]
9  Roberto Barabino ([email protected]) [Italy]
10 Firelight ([email protected]) [Australia]
11 Esper Division ([email protected]) [Canada]
12 Future Assassin ([email protected]) [Canada]
13 Mayhem ([email protected]) [Canada]
14 Morph ([email protected]) [Scotland]
15 Spyder ([email protected]) [USA]
16 The REW ([email protected]) [The Netherlands]
17 Cybelius ([email protected]) [Finland]
18 Zodiak ([email protected]) [Sweden]
19 Jason & Kristen ([email protected]) [USA]
20 Krystall & Cynthia ([email protected]) [Canada]

- The first 15 songs are the top 12 veteran and top 3 rookie MC3 entries
  respectively.  The final 5 songs were contributed by a few people I asked
  and a few people who wanted to contribute.

John Eccles ([email protected]):
- John owns a DAT player and the necessary equipment to master the audio
  portion of the CD.  If you like or don't like the sound of the audio CD
  John is person to contact.  Personally I feel he did a great job. [USA]

Johnathan Vail ([email protected]):
- Johnathan, whose name I screwed up in the credits page (sorry), created
  all the films for Escape and the films for the CD label art for Freedom.
  He also answered questions and helped me out in the layout area. [USA]

Pete Menchetti ([email protected]):
- Pete ran off the 1000 vinyl stickers for the FREEDOM CD.  Cost me $94 and
  it took about 2 months.  They look good and smell good. [USA]

Frank Green ([email protected])
- Frank runs a Digital Editing and Mastering company that will put your
  DAT onto CD-R for $175 plus shipping.  He faded out some of our endings
  and normalized the volume for the audio CD. [USA]

David A. Hughes (no E-mail):
- David created the CD-R for both Escape and Freedom.  We had to create
  two CD-Rs for both projects because of mistakes.  David allowed things
  to run smoothly and delivered quickly.

Darkness ([email protected]):
- Darkness (or Jeff) was my connection to PL who did the front cover art.
  He is also the editor of the great Imphobia magazine.  [Belgium]

Kneebiter ([email protected]):
- Kneebiter (or Todd Zimnoch) created the intro so I can deliver you more 
  massive text files like this.  [USA]

I would also like to thank:

Grave Digger, Trixter, Jeff Molofee (NeHe), David Foley, Popcorn, Daredevil,
C.C. Catch, Pascal Pochol, Krister, A.C., Matt Heck, Jester, Meriadoc, 
Hoplite, Clement Poon, Iron Feather, Lord Sloth, Snibble, Weis, White Noise,
Leinad, Ryan K., Ynos, all those people/groups who allowed me to include 
their productions, everyone who had faith in me, anyone I may have forgotten, 
those two guys who gave me a ride to the airport at Naid, and God.


It is time to inform you about the little contest this intro contains.
Each of the sub-titles within this text file (IN ALL CAPS) correspond to
a SONG NAME and/or ALBUM TITLE.  There are 10 of these SUBTITLES and 
"description" is not one of them.  The GROUPS who composed the songs/albums
are listed within the intro in order with respect to these clues:

1)  I need to know the certain phrase repeated many times.
2)  I want to know what doesn't work out.
3)  "...Disconnect _________"  Fill in blank.
4)  "Some day you will..."  Fill in the rest of the sentence.
5)  "Are you the right man for me...or are you _________ for me." Fill blank.
6)  Most of the songs on this album are sung in what language?
7)  "Sun, Planet, the Universe, and _______."  Fill in the blank.
8)  "...And it won't get any _________."  Fill in the blank.
9)  "That's the price of ______."  Fill in the blank.
10) Why celebrate?

Your object is to match the GROUP with the SONG NAME/ALBUM TITLE and answer
my questions.  (i.e.  Group:  MADONNA  Song/Album:  HOLIDAY  Answer to
Question:  "Holiday, __CELEBRATE__")  Of course I did not make it that easy
or did not try to make it that easy.  Thus, Males have to answer 7 out of 10 
and Females have to answer 6 out of 10.  The prize is a FREE CD for the 
top 3 winners.  If you get all 10 I will send you a video tape (copy) of a 
movie like Slackers, Natural Born Killers, or anything cool I have or can 
copy (Course this is only valid for people using the NTSC TV standard).

If I do not get 3 winners/entries after a month (i.e. 7 correct for Males,
6 correct for Females) I will pick the three highest entries so long as
at least 4 responses are correct. 

Why the hell would I have such a strange contest?  To get you to LISTEN
to different music and to get you to LISTEN to the music. 


Thanks for coming on down and reading most/all of the text I have written 
within.  It did take quite a bit of time to compose and edit even though
it may not seem that way.  I've tried to keep the mistakes and arrogance
to a minimum this time.  Be sure to check out the intro if you have not
done so already and remember what MC Hammer use to say...Can't Touch This!

Different Strokes for Different Folks, 

Dan Wright / Pallbearer

I can be reached at:  (954) 370-1373  (Nights 8pm-11pm)
E-mail:  [email protected]

Dan Wright
1320 N.W. 76th Avenue
Plantation, FL 33322-4740