
Void 3 by kolor [web]


   1st place @ mekka/symposium 2k-1. we are too tired to write any sensible
   stuff now. so please excuse very bad quality of this info file. it is even
   possible that the included source-code is corrupted. but as most of the
   sceners think our code suxx anyway, and asm sucks, it might be no problem
   for you. we are very glad about that. 

   odd gfx code        shiva^kolor ( [email protected] )
   even sound code     franky^kolor ( [email protected] )
   com packer (624)    kimmy^pulp

 special thanks
   masamichi kirikae   designer of voice spectra vocoder,
                       gave me cool tips & techical info!
   acoustical society
    of america         for sending me a copy of
                       dennis h. klatt's article about
                       speech analysis & synthesis
   wilfried welti      for more general tips

   submissive^cubic    mental support ;-)  (your intro rocks)

   kolor, smash designs, teklords, riot, quad, the black lotus, haujobb,
   amable, matrix, singularity, purge, black maiden, ...