
Scene music compilation by Mystic Bytes [web]

                            _________/ \________
                           /        __-__       \
                   _______/ _______\\ : //______ \________
                  /       \//                   \//       \
                 /___.  Ö sCENE mUSIC cOMPILATION ·    .___\
            _________|      ________  ________  _______|_____
     ._____/   _____/______/        \/        \/      ______/______
    _|     \________      /            /       \      \           /
    \             |/     /_        \  /         \_    |\         /_
     \_____________________\_______|\/|_         /_________________\
  # ## ################### |sK!mB      /________/| ################ ## #
                           |                     |
                          /________      _________\
                      - -- -----  \\/\/\//  ----- -- -


    ___ ___  ___ ______________  ______
____\_ |   \|   |___   _\  _   \/  _   \_
\      |   \\    /     |    ____|  \|    \
 |_____|____\___/______|____\___\________/ [introDUCTION]

    ...finally this long-awaited compilation has left our hands! we did our 
 best to kick it out just before 1999 year, so here it comes boys and girls
 just like promised, bla bla bla. anyway sorry again for that fuckin' delay!   

    _______________   _______    ____    ___ ______________
____\ ____/    _   \ _\ ____/____\   |___\_ |___   _\  ___/___
\     \   \     ____|  -----\    _   |\      |     |_____    /
 |_________\____\___\________\________\______|_____|________/ [credits]

    ...first of all we would like to thank all those brave chaps who decided 
 to take a part in our scene music compilation and made it REAL. 
 here they are:

                       thomas / new beat development  (sweden)
                     mc laser / tscc  (germany)
                       dma sc / sector one  (france)
                    mr future / paranoia  (sweden)
                     toodeloo / dhs  (sweden)
                          505 / checkpoint  (germany)
                       c-frog / nature  (sweden)
                          xtd / mystic bytes  (poland)
                          sh3 / reservoir gods (england)
                       tinker / tnh (holland) 
                          msg / reservoir gods (england)
                      perkele / ind. (finland)
 thanx again for your contributions! if you will find SMC interesting we will
 think about the 2nd volume!

            CODE     sqward               
                                GFX   moonwalker 
                                                   ASC   simon king 
 ...and the last note to all:   we -DO NOT- take ANY responsibility for the 
                                modules quality =)). if you don't enjoy any
                                contribution then DO NOT slag us. we didn't
                                make any selection as well.                          

    ___  __ _ _____           ___ ___  ___ _______________
____\  \/  \____   \____  ____\_ |   \|   |__ _____/  _   \_
\     \  /     / _     /  \      |   \\    /   ___|   \|    \
 |_____\/_____|_______/    |_____|____\___/____\  \_________/ [mYSTICbYTES
 #####################     ##################################     infoRMATION]

 ...we had to make some 'personal shakes' in mystic bytes, so our member-status
 has been changed a little bit. 

                SIMON KING..szymon.grabinski....asc/pc            
 Dr Max, Spider, Sector and Vulgar 'left' MSB. Moonwalker joined us as the 

    ____________________  ___ ____________       ______ _______
____\ ____/   _   \_    \|   |___   _\__\ \______\ ____|___   _\
\     \   \   \|    \   \\    /     |   _     /    \    /     |
 |_________\________/____\___/______|________/_________/______| [contact US]

 ...pleez get in touch with us for any reason! if you like to burn your stomach 
 with any kind of alcohol you are VERY welcome =))

 grey / mystic bytes
 michal michalowski
 ul. goszczynskiego 2/10
 80-134 gdansk
 pho. (+48 58) 303-34-67

 e-mail:  [email protected] 

    ______________    ______   _____________________
____\ ____/   _   \ __\ ____/__\ ____/___   _\  ___/___
\     \__ \    ____|   -----\   -----\/     |_____    /
 |_________\___\___\_________\________\_____|________/ [greetINGs]

 ...erm, this sux! =)) we won't greet anyone today =)) maybe tomorrow...

  asc: simonking/mb
  txt: grey / mb