
Project 2501 by ADDiCT [web]

                             P R O J E C  T    2 5 0 1
                                   by addict labs
                             [ released at symphony 2006 ]


    [ .code. ]
        tomasz "volgut" przechodzki ............................ [email protected]

    [ .3d.graphics. ]
        lukasz "luko" biegun ............................... [email protected]
    [ .3d.graphics. ]
        sebastian "potworeq" tworek ..................... [email protected]

    [ .2d.graphics. ]
        roman "shexbeer" solowiej ......................... [email protected]

    [ .music. ]
        remigiusz "traymuss" trzcionka ......................... [email protected]


   - windows operating system
   - 2ghz cpu
   - 512 mb
   - directx 9
   - decent graphics card with ps 2.0 (geforce 6 or radeon 9700 with at least 128mb)
   - widescreen is preferable


   native resolution is 1280x720 (16:9), 1280x1024 (4:3)

   if possible, run the demo with the highest antialiasing mode to get the best quality.
   if you are getting performance problems and you have 128mb graphics card, try to
   set lower antialiasing and/or change resolution. 
   the definitions of terms which appear in the demo are from wikipedia.


   .anadune.defence force.floppy.futuris.madwizards.nah kolor.plastic.suspend.

                             [ http://www.addict-labs.org ]