
Diamonds by Deus Ex Machina Software

*                      DIAMONDS README.TEXTE                               *
*                    Realized  by RUIZ Patrick                             *
            (!) 04-04-94 Version Deus Ex Machina Software

 This program runs on all ST, STE, MegaSTE, TT, FALCON ...
 version ST,STe,TT:   DIAM_4.TOS & DIAMONDS.TOS boot in Low Resolution only
                      DIAMONDS.PRG permits to choose an image to load           
 version FALCON030:   DIAM?F30.PRG even if it run in 320*240 it changes
                                   the resolution automatically.
 a tips:install vibrax.acc and select a soundtrack mod and run the show. 
                                             (only for FALCON030 owners)

 I'm here to present you neither a utility program nor a game, but a short of
 "Just for FUN program" made entirely in assebly code.
 This program is based on the game of life but not exactly, you 'll be able
 to see the difference.

 Control commands:
 -----------------                                     NOTE IT 
 press the "Delete" key to change board         <----(IMPORTANT!)       
 press the "Esc" key to quit th show            

 How it works?
 At each generation, the computer looks at the neighbors of each cell and
 increase the color value of the cell concerned if this cell has a neighbor
 with his color increased with just one value (the 16th color==0th color)

 It represents 160*100*8 (DIAMONDS) tests for each cell (a lot no?).
            or 80*50*8   (DIAM4)
            or 160*120*8 (DIAMONDF)
            or 80*60*8   (DIAMF4)
 On the FALCON the version is better because optimized for the 68030 but
 the TT owners won't have to try this prog because of the resolution choosed
 not present on the TT (sorry for that but this resolution permits sometimes
 spirals to appear in a only 80*60 board)

 As a matter of fact the FALCON version doesn't use DSP but can afford 12
 generations per second in 80*60 and it's not so bad.
 The previous version in DSP assembly code will maybe permit 64 geznerations
 per seconds and it'll be more impressive, i think!.

 List of other programs made by myself ...

 ESSAY       : A short but complete text editor with lot of functions & Helps
 DIAMONDS    : A quick cell-generation Program entirely made in assembly code
               for 68000 & 68030(optimized) ... a DSP version coming soon! 
 LIFE        : A game of LIFE also in assembly code in low or High rez.
 VIBRAX      : The best MODs Player Accessory on Falcon (Better than U-Tracker)
               uses DSP (routine from the BITMasters).

 some FALCON only Demos from me will be coming soon !

 This is my complete Address:

                               Mr  RUIZ Patrick
                               quartier le clos
                               13360 ROQUEVAIRE 

 email address until summer 1994:           [email protected]