Ro Bott by Kooma
Ro Bott finale Copyright 1999 Kooma Originally released at The Gathering 99 - party. First time in the history of demoscene I have made final version of my product ! This one comes out not even too late - only one month ! (First, if we don't count Paimen bugfix.. which was really just a bugfix.) Finally I think I have succeed. This is not ultimate anykind, but for a long time I am quite satisfied. I like that atmosphere. I like that music. I like those colors. I even like that code. Code is not too optimized.. I was too lazy and busy for that. There are even new effects (!!), new effects that have real use too.. not just looking nice. Though I had no time or interest to use them in their full maximum ultimate mega power. My reflecting particle system with multiple light sources looks like bad normal particle system. Hehee. :) Lightsourced glenzcubes are not too new things. But most important innovation is color system. It's simple. It's fast. It can do a lot more than this. It's not a new idea, but I haven't seen as nice system as this before in demos.. only on some video codecs. Damn I like those colors. In practise, color system takes almost nothing of processor time. I just hope that I learn to use it better than this. What do YOU think.. Should I stop making these.. Do you like to hear bad hardcore acid and to see those old effects over and over again ? (Like most products do.) Do you want that products are good ? Damn.. If scene doesn't learn.. I'll quit and leave you all to your tiny little sandbox. I read my mail. --- [email protected] -------------- I just don't remember to answer always, but I try. Really. ---------- Ro Bott System Is tested with Pentium 133 Pentium II - 333 32 mb 128 mb GUS Classic/SB16 SB16 S3 Virge Matrox G100 Dos/W95 W95 486DX-66 16 mb GUS Tseng ET4000 Dos Recommended machine is as fast as possible. P2 or so.. Actually this Ro Bott babe looks quite good even if it's slow. With my P133 this looks nice. Slow speed gives it more Ro Bott feeling. hehe. ---------- Problems ? so it should work.. If you encounter problems try this : - you forgot Ultrinit ? (with GUS ofcourse) - free some low memory - try it under Dos - try it under Windows - use UniVbe - do not use UniVbe - do not use ANY unneccesary TSR:s etc. (eg. EMM386) (I have seen how people stuff their configurations with too many programs they don't really need. That makes any MS system very unstable and slow. With Win95/98 you need just about nothing. Who needs EMM386 nowadays ? Who needs to load CDrom drivers twice ? etc. etc) I tried this with HP Vectra VE sucking motafoking machine and IT DIDN'T WORK !! First Midas jammed and then it hit me with "divide overflow error". Die HP! Die.. Only printers please. It was problem with Matrox G100.. Dunno why. It worked with real computer with same G100 card. Maybe UniVbe helps.. (It didn't..) ---------- Audio Configure audio system with parameter /KISSANPOLKKA. ---------- VESA My VESA routines have autodetection only because I have noticed that they work fine in 95% of cases. With this intro it seeks in this order : 1. 640x400 32bit LFB (Linear Frame Buffer) interlaced 2. 640x480 32bit LFB widescreen mode interlaced 3. 320x200 32bit LFB or banked 4. 320x200 24bit LFB or banked 5. 320x200 15bit LFB or banked 6. 320x200 16bit LFB or banked x. 320x200 8bit greyscale BTW. Who thinks that 16bits for pixel is enough ? Think .. it's only 5.33 bits for greyscale.. hrrr.. yuk. I have seen how so called gfx-artists use that mode. No no no no no. Only reason to use that mode, is that it is in some cases faster (but not much.) ---------- Ro Bott credits Ro Bott-code & Ro Bott-color virne Ro Bott-music loke Ro Bott-Ro Bott pictures anger Ro Bott-photography jope, supi etc. Pmode/W by Charles Scheffold and Thomas Pytel Midas Digital Audio System Copyright 1996, 1997 Housemarque Inc. Written by Petteri Kangaslampi and Jarno Paananen UPX by Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer & Laszlo Molnar ---------- Ro Bott thank yous Therapy people at TG for loaning machine for drunken coder. TG compo organizing and rest of the crew (Vegard ! We love you ! Even if you are cheapskate.) Jope, Melwyn, Supi, Novous rest of our gang at TG99 trip All voters and supporters at TG Keep Ro Bott rolling
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