Supercow by Carrots
supercow, a 32k game compo entry for mekka/symposium 2000 supercow sucks visit the real kewl cows at 9, august 11th - 13th in berne, switzerland big thanks to salt for the pcxloader fixing some bugs and another thank to arB_mind for fixing another bug. and to loom, hi to e605, tomcat^greenroom, all swissdudes, all i missed and of course all mekka/sympo attenders [email protected] /* the frame of this game was taken from mrcar.bas, original by [email protected], i just - ported to linux (basic -> c/c++) - exchanged car with cow - added "moo"-sfx - done little intro [email protected] greets to all the mekka/symposium attenders */
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