moaï by Nomad [web]
_______ _______ ___ ___ ________ sns. ____ ... . _) _ \__)___ \__) \/ (__\___\ (______\_ (_ . ... ... ±°° : °± / / / / _/ \ / \_ ___ \ ___/ \ ±° : °°± ... :.....: _./____/______________\____\ /____/___________________\._ :.....: --------- \/ ------------------------ \/ ------------------nomAd- \/---------- Moaï version 1.1 first shown at the party 8 - Aars - DENMARK in December 1998 -(Requirements)--------------------------------------------------------------- PC (pentium or above needed) DirectX 3 or above Soundcard -(Credits)-------------------------------------------------------------------- [Code ] - Ecstasy [3D & Animation] - kRafton [Design ] - kRafton & Ecstasy [Add. gfx ] - Off & Vatin [Main tune ] - Djamm [Some help ] - Z [Sound System ] - MIDAS - Petteri Kangaslampi and Jarno Paananen / Sahara Surfers -(Releases)------------------------------------------------------------------- [02/99] - Past / Orange Juice (Volcanic party 5 winner). [12/98] - MOAI (The Party 8 winner). [04/98] - SQUEEZED (LTP'98 winner). in cooperation with BOMB. -(Disclaimer)----------------------------------------------------------------- This demo is not a commercial product, and it cannot be put on any commercial CDROMs without our aggrement except for the Ace BBS CD series. See the email list for contacts. -(Internet)------------------------------------------------------------------- -(Members)-------------------------------------------------------------------- Djamm [email protected] Music & sound fx Ecstasy [email protected] Code kRafton [email protected] Modeling & 3D animation Falken [email protected] Gfx Nytrik [email protected] Modeling & Gfx Off [email protected] Modeling & Gfx Topy no email yet Code Vatin [email protected] Modeling & Gfx Z [email protected] Code & Webmaster -(Greetings)------------------------------------------------------------------ [Ecstasy] Made ( Ready to be squeezed again ? ) Skal ( T'as eu raison, y a pas de neige ici ! ) .fRIGOLIN ( l'ami des naines ) KraftonE ( Y sont vraiment bien tes cubes !) Doctor Yes ( Oh No ) LLuvia ( Oh Yes ) Vatin ( Trop cool ta pic DiscoMoai ! ) Pulpe guys ( Katana, aXs, redbug, darkangel, ...) Loop ( Bon, c quand que tu refais de la demo ? ) Smk ( Alors, c bien la vie active ? ) Zappy ( Allez, debout ! ) Patat'apom ( ouaiiiii.... ) Flubber ( nan, une demo sur dreamcast ??? ) Traven ( Sounds so good ! ) Nytrik ( Vivement Shad 2 ! ) GeeK ( Leo ferrero rocher .... m'enfin y parait ) Boz ( vive les poils en 3D ) Willbe ( Hello man ) .sAcRiLeGe. ( c bien les nfo hein ? ) Rezzzz ( beu, y a pas bcp de couettes ici ) Froggy ( TP8 bustrip rulez grave ) Mars ( P533 Mhz roulez !) TypeOne ( miam miam de la 3D ) Les boulangeres ( miam miam ....... ) [Krafton] Ecstasy ( i love you :o), euh... excuse me i love FrameStudio... Skal (Bomb design rulez...) Made (ananas rulez) .fRigo (il est fou ce garcon :) Flubb (arf ! St power code) Zappy (j'adore ta fumee) Kyky (the ultimate coder) Kalisto rulez arf !!! Yolan (Ngc rulez) Lionnel (la prise de l'elephant) Viper (asm power rulez) Soundy Junior (arrete le trafique de petit pois...) Pierrick (Natte rulez...hey hey...) Rody (drifter ??? coronal ??? :o) Junior (the ultimate.......) Mike (Troll compagnie...) Jesus (que la foie soit avec toi ) Doc Yes (alut toa !) Guille (Chouette souvenir la Wired avec Cocoon/Syndrome) NAsty (hello boy) Tenshu (Toujours ok ! pour la demo de la servo ?) Gengis (Comment ca va depuis le derniers coup de fil ?) Lluvia (on se connait pas trop mais bjour kan meme) Traven (arf !! poulet parfume :) continue your fantastic tune PAtapom (oh oh hey hey , arf ! so crazy man !!! WIll be (i love your tune) Nytrik (il sont bo, il sont jeunes et intelligent, il mange le gras sur viande..... (i was so happy to work with you & Cocoon/Syndrone on th Shad..) see you soon... Geek (Arf on va le nicker ce connard de Benoit !!!! BAnzaiiiii) Moby (THE PROTRACKER'POWER ) All Calodox'members : LEto,Dake,Spider,Fred... BOz Loop (see you soon at Polygon'studio) MAdgid,Carlos... (polygon studio) Froggy (so cool the bus trip...thnx.) Rez sacrilege (merci pour le pret du pc pour finir le .nfo) [Z] ecstasy, nytrik, djamm, vatin, off, teo, topy, patapom, guille, cdrk, tyby, gandalf, rez, geek, loop, dryes, gengis, zappy, der piipo titan, made, frigo, skal, willbe, traven, lluvia, dune, distance, type one, magic fred, darkness, tikal, rhynn, haplo, maxx-out, et, major-X, jamie, alexel, fortune, caramel, walken, feanor, black label, flan, ukko, zeb, vodka, hoplite, feather, aap, vic, statix, clawz, oxbab, lca, data, mon, spiral, roudoudou, smkaribou, phar, access, hml, codac, spleen, shodan, cyg, barti, ra, nam, black axe, icepick, lightshow, ice, boz, tenshu, ace, anhk, chandra, lea, smurfie, senser, deepmind, dines, snagrot, falken, happy, xann, mandrixx, mercure, nucleus, omega, sigma, grosquick, sgt slayer, strdagut, tuo, ajt, ben, pl, chojin, ferem, gelmir, jgl, informer, odin, liszt, poiý, kenet, ravian, jace nix, shad, jmagic, hoplite, unreal, galvados, karl and #demofr, #coders ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ N.O.M.A.D January 1999 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ nfo header/layout by senser/rvl^tpy
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