Delirious Demo 2 by Overlanders [web]
Some informations about the patched version of The Delirious Demo 2 by OVR! - protection removed - disk format standardized - even the copier demo was patched and work perfectly (a little bit optimised !) Here it is an (incomplete) screen list: (Just to help you with the numbers!) 1-The Docdots Demo 2-The Megascroller 2 3-The Crazy Stars Demo 4-The Odd Dragon Demo 5-The Celestial Spiral 6-The Maxiballs 7-The Tetradist 8-The Bof Demo 9-The 3D Demo 10-The Horror Pictures Show Hidden Screen-The Boot Sectors Compil (Click in the middle of the left side of O of the OVR logo) (Sometimes crash on exit!) You can boot on a hard disk even if the disk was in the drive by maintaining the Shift or the Ctrl key down during a few seconds just when the Led of drive light on ! If you to bypass the presentation you can hold down the Alt key just when the fade out start until the text appears... Good Fun :) Mr Bee, The 08/29/97! Ps: My preferate screen is The TetraDist (also becoz of the music!)
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