
sand 4 by rECTUM cAUDA

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                        [pif97]         ³       [stavanger section]

        [totally out of control]

   Hi! It's me again! Piffi! Writing stuff for the latest rC-prod
   available at time of writing! And, babe, it's discotime!

   I guess we'd better write some on-topic stuff, so that
   the TG organisers may accept this contribution...
   (by the way, thanks to all the 19 people who voted on
    SAND 3 on the party 6!!!)


         . gfx . Kapteinkjeks + Piffi + sTOR hAMZTER .
                          . code . Piffi .
              . music . sTOR hAMZTER .
    . textfile and the SAND paper advertisement feature . Piffi .

   Techno Info:

      Computer Requirements:
       ù 386+ processor, probably a maths co-pro too :)
       ù 70% registercompatible VGA card
       ù RAM, and lots of it. (more than 13 mb free!!!)
       ù Non-faulty motherboard :)
       ù Beautiful monitor
       ù No sound / SB(2^pro^16) / GUS (1mb)

      Addt'l creds to:
       ù Adam Seychell for dos32
       ù Velvet ppl for Velvet Studio player

   (am I allowed to scream YO here?)

       Quotes/statements about rC: (more or less)

    Cynic/Maak - doesn't like rC-shit. He just think it's funny :)
  Kapteinkjeks - "faen dette e'kje n†ge 14iss greier"
   Dr. Grufull - "og deg d† - j‘vla anti-tiss-rau-dude!"
  sTOR hAMZTER - "du e' gal! HINDU!"
         Piffi - "Og s† har me' j‘vli med fisker og drid s† sv›mme' forbi"
  sTOR hAMZTER - "faen! me blei ferige i DAG!!"

                          we gotta get this party rockin'

     Once upon a time
     there was a hindu man
     his name was Turbo Yohan

     He screamed and jumped all day long
     then M'fede said "hey dude come!"

     They both went to M'fede's local warehouse
     just for a short booze.

     Then they bought a camel, with nitro,
     and M'fede said: "let's go to india - we really need to"

     All of a sudden this guy came along
     he didn't look like James Bond
     He screamed and shouted
     'cuz he couldn't get his porn server routed

     Approximately then a flash
     hit the hindu's necklace.

     (this goes to you too!)
     "alle har en hindu"
     M'fede claimed
     - don't be ashamed.

     rECTUM cAUDA open up new possibilities
     for real hindus to express their warmth

     rC coder is looking for a non-kashmir rC female to share
     'couple of cokes with.

     "inactivity leads to too high pizza bills" (tm)
       - rECTUM cAUDA stavanger section has realized what life is all about.

     Now let's have a look at a very hypothetical situation.

       1. Three people are sitting on an aeroplane
       2. Two monkeys are hidden in the clothes department
          on the local airport
       3. Noone expects the hindu customs takeover

     If these news escaped to the mass media, which of the
     following would have been appropriate for your situation:

       a. I'd grab my gun and rush to the nearest babe,
          screaming "yo posse, would you like to die virgin,
          or do you want relief before we all die in a few seconds?"

       b. I'd simply eat more breakfast!

       c. I'd have coded more. I'd tracked more. I'd drawn more.
          Now everybody can regret.

       WhyVideo (tm) is a copyrighted trademark of rECTUM cAUDA,
       and any effort to emulate, simulate or imitate this
       wonderful video system is obligated to die in pain,
       and everyone who try to do this must burn in hell forever
       together with their little sisters :)

 Fan mail to [email protected]