oszi v2.0 - the sirius player by The Sirius Cybernetics Corporation [web]
,@@@@@@@@@,. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@' '@@@. @@@ @@ '@@@@ @@@ '@@@@ @@@' @@@@. '@' 'no prom!ses - no demands!' '@@@@, '@@@. .::''::. .::::::. .::::::. .::::::. '@@@@. ....::: :: :: :: :: :: :: .@@@@@@@; '@@@@. ::: :: :: :: :: :: :: @@@@@@@@@@ '@@@@ '::::::' '::::::' '::::::' '::::::' '@@@ '@@; t H E @@@@@. .@@@ i R i U S C Y b E R n E T i C S C o R P. - --- ----- ---- @@@@@@@@@@@' -------------------------------------- --- --- - - @@@@' mcl _____ _____ _____ _____ _/ \__/ __/_______\__ \_\___/_ / _/ \______ ______/ \ \ / / /\ \ \ / \_mcl____/________\/_________\_____/ The Sirius Player v2.0 [ 19th of july 2000 ] - special FADING TWILIGHT edition - November 6th, changes. Sentry V2.3 depacking rout included Speed Packer 3 depacking rout included Jul. 19th 2000, changes Support of NPKK - Header (Magic 'NPKK' plus Long of original module-lenght) Well, not very much to say about this one, it's quite the same as version one, but I kicked out some bugs. Features (press also HELP in the player): *==---------------- - 25-KHz-8Bit-Player on STE - 50-KHz-16Bit-Dynamic-Interpolated-Player on Falcon (It disturbs sound a bit, but in my view it gives treble a kick!) -Alternative Players (without all playerfeatures) - Real-50-KHz-8Bit-Player on STE - Real-50-KHz-16Bit-Player on Falcon - Playing four AND(!) eight-channel modules! (eight channels on STE only with 12.5 KHz, but on Falcon with ALL! features and 50 KHz!) - Mono-Multiplexer (turns interpolation on F030 off!) - Sample-Overdrive - X-Echo (Pseudo surround with long echoperiod! Nice effect on some Techno/Chiptunes) - STE-Microwire-Presets - Samplenamesdisplayer - Possibility of selecting patterns - Save-Unpacked-Funcion!!! - Pack-Ice 2.4, Atomik 3.5, Sentry 2.3 and Speedpacker 3.0 support. - Noisepakker support! (You have to change the first four letters of the modulename to 'NPK!' (captials only! - no matter if you rename before or after packing with Noisepakker by deltaforce) so that my player can recognize the noisepacked format. This prevents from playing normal modules which name starts with 'NPK!') Alternatively extra 8 Bytes before Module with the meaning of Magic 'NPKK' plus Long saying the unpacked size. - full PMD3-support (who guessed that? ;-)) - Octalyser-Compatible (see also 'BUGS') KEY-COMMANDS: *==---------------- - Help = Helptext - Backspace = Show Samplenames - Space = Exit - '*' on Keypad = Save Module unpacked - Cursor Up/Down = Pitch Speed Up/Down - Undo = Set default - q, w, e, r, t, z, u, i = Switch Channels on/off - Insert = Mono-Multiplexing - Clrhome = Echo on/off - Alternate = Toggle 50 Khz - '(' on Keypad = Interpolation an - ')' on Keypad = Interpolation aus - F1-F10 = Microwire-presets (STE only) - F1-F10 = Hardware Loudness (Falcon only) - 0-9 = Loudness - '+/-' on Keypad = Next/Previous pattern - Enter on Keypad = Restart pattern - Tab = Show processor time 'BUGS': *==---------------- The player is written in that way, that it works like the Octalyser. So Command D is used hexadecimal (like Octalyser) instead of decimal (like Protracker ST). So if a module sounds a bit damaged then check, if not this is the 'BUG'. I do not support the KarPlusStrong-Command (Command 8)! So this can be another reason, why your Module might sound corrupted. But there is a difference between my player and the one used in Octalyser: If you play an instrument, then the volume of it will be set immediately. And I support the Invert-Loop-Command (Command EFx) that is missed (or at least not correctly done) in a lot of STE-Players, so maybe some modules who use that effect sound different after you saved it out and play it again! This is because the Invert-Loop-Command directly affects the samples and I do not buffer them! But I have to admit, that the first version of my player had a real bug... Command E5x (Set Finetune) didn't work correctly (I should always test what I optimise...). But it's fixed now! Credits: *==---------------- Code, Grafix: Dynacore of tSCc (By the way, the player is based upon a very old DMA-Player by Percy of Light, but I've nearly rewritten anything.) Address: *==----------------- Dynacore: [email protected] MC Laser: [email protected] Scy: [email protected] Llama: [email protected] Moondog: [email protected] Gizmo: [email protected] Ray: [email protected] Unseen Fate: [email protected] Creature XL: [email protected] tscc.atari.org
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