Dark Hour by Very Important Pictures [web]
-------------------- Added on 22.01.2014: -------------------- Sista Vip Corporation Presents: Dark Hour v2.7 WIN+DOS Source available (for TMT Pascal and Delphi). www.sistavip.com ------------- Original NFO: ------------- Sista Vip Corporation presents it's new full quality product called ú - þ þ þ D A R K H O U R D E M O þ þ þ - ú ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ...party-relase version buggybuggybuggy (tm) ....so here it is, the DARK HOUR DEMO. Some words from Loooping: First I must actually say that this demo was our first serious demo project. The first, not the last! This one is a 256 colored demo uses mode13 and 640x480, (for 8 bit SVGA we used banked mode), for sound we used the great Useless Sound System (let's make thing better than MIDAS!), so I think you shouldn't get any problems with it. We got two command line parameters : dark ? gives you help dark m gives you the manual sound setup dark l will loop the demo ok, ok that's three, not two . Oh, we got also a bug in the DEMO : in the 640x480 effect, it might þ hang up þ exit þ kill you computer but don't worry, we will try to fix it. Nothing more to say, I think. Some words form Dr.Deadmake: This demo was made without hurry in more than (we actualy don't know) months. (Although with some breaks , because I had to work more than one month several hours a day on a 3D-project to get it finished 'only' one week after the deadline :) . I also had a phase where I had to learn (D)HTML/CSS and JavaScript in a couple of days, just to build my personal website and send it to a big company where I wanted to be trained as a 3D-designer. Just to say it, the project won 1000DM ($500), the company didn't answer yet. :) Almost all things there were new to us as we did them, except the second scene with the transparent waves which was written by me [drdeadmake] a couple of weeks before we started the demo. We also couldn't use some libraries because we changed from good old Borland Pascal to TMT Pascal, a pascal dialect for 32bit. As our old units were in 16bit asm, TMT didn't like them, so everything had to be rewritten. Time to send some thx (from Loooping) to Michael for the Dos4gW killing Extender to Freddy for the best Sound System I ever seen to the guy who invited mode13 for being a realy cool person to YOU for waching/reading such lame things ....here it comes, the compo-release. We are realicing this demo on Mekka/Symposium 2000, we have aripped picture in the demo because our GFX master could be able to finish the pic till ms2k, but we will relice the finished versio amideatly after ms2k. 1 minute to deadline..... hurrryyyy ....here it comes, the current status. Loooping speakes: Several months are past since we done the last things for the demo. No more interest to code in 8bpp, so the project was dropped. Ok not realy dropped, we just do not do any stuff for the demo, but I wanted to release this piece of work at Mekka/Symposium 2k, so I removed some bugs, added one or two new effects, and finished the demo. I'm currently writing a internal 16/32bpp (runtime switchable) graphic library. It should be for Pascal users what PTC to the C coders is [ I hope so :) ]. It's not ready yet, but I'm keep working on it. In the near future I will port the Library to FPC, and maybe Delphi for win32 support. In the far future I will add a Linux support, I am tired of coding for Bill's platforms, cause of lack of stability. Ok DOS is pretty stable, can you say that about win? Me not! Dr.Deadmake writes a true color Rendering Engine for my Lib. (he is really happy to write the filling routines!) Some day I will add a Glide support for the Engine, but it's future. ....here it comes, Sista Vip Corporation At the moment, we are counting two regular members: Loooping a coder,designer,musician. SistaVip@yahoo(or hotmail).com DrDeadmake a coder and a modeller. [email protected] the temporary HomePage can be found at http://members.xoom.com/SistaVip/ We had a guest Pixler Sebi, he is not realy a scene oriented dude, he can only draw nice pictures, at the beginning he was very interested of making som gfx for us,but because of luck of time (job,girlfriend) he could't make much for us. Sebsta can be contacted on [email protected] We all live in Hamburg, Germany and have visual contact regularly, except for Sebi who is 24 and has a lot of things to do beside the demo scene like job etc. We have two coders, who are together the (almost) perfect coding unit. I(drd) am only writing the raw effects, while Loooping is managing them together and redesigning them ,as he manages the file,sound and graphics systems. He also writes effects, links things together and does the most of debugging. Sebstar rescues us from trying to draw ourselves, and he does it really well :) What we REALLY would like to get are RESPONSES, just mail what you liked (or not) in our productions. Our or our members' releases till now are: ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³þ nAME ù tYPE ú pEOPLE iNVOLVED þ _ x ³ realiced on ³úÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄ ³ ³Miracle Seasons ú demo completly done at ms2k by loooping ³ ms2k ³ msk by Storm gfx by Bifrost ³ ³úÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄ ³ ³Komnata in 3d ú raytraced pic ú Dr.Deadmake ³ ms2k ³úÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄ ³ ³ VipGfx ú graph library ú Loooping ³ in beta stage ³úÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄ ³ ³DARK HOUR ú DEMO ú DrDeadmake,Loooping,Sebsta ³ ms2k ³úÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄ ³ ³USS for TMT ú library port ú Loooping ³ ??.99 ³úÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄ ³ ³ Arcade ú 32Kgame ú DrDeadmake ³ ms2k ³úÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄúÄ ³ ³ Invent99 ú a joke intro ú Loooping ³ ??.99 ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Loooping's personal greetings: DemonKiller - na was geht? KevOne - wann machst du entlich die HP ?? ReKo - Spasibo tebe (Ja nadejus wiesnet twoy e@mail adress, esli ti chetaesh eto , napish) MicroTom - Kak dela? (Ja nadejus wiesnet twoy e@mail adress, esli ti chetaesh eto , napish) ProgramFactory - hei Michi! Subbmessive (awlso knewd as EdelTorus on IRC) - for cool IRC chat _7750_ - Is this your real scene handle ? Thanks for explaying the fast way for 32to24bpp conversion DrDeadmake's personal greets: #coders.ger, #coders, #3dsmax, #3dsmax.ger, #[-censored-] ;). NocTURN (naja glaub kaum dass du's liest:) [cWx]Daywalker (du eigentlich auch nicht...also kann ich sagen, dass q2spielen dumm macht :) Augustus (na, ich warte auf die CD...sag bloss du weisst nicht mehr :) D0NNer (hast du den virus wirklich deiner ex geschickt?) QUASAR ([QU454|2]) Lionheart (geile site mann...und die silvester-mail was auch nicht schlecht) PS from Dr.Deadmake: If you are here now without skipping something, I'd like to send some gratulations to myself, being an endless good writer or maybe to you, having nothing to do at the moment. Anyway, if you ask yourself now why all this text, I just say that 1. I'm sorting out all the techno mods of my mod collection at the moment to place them on a single playlist, so I cannot code or so at the time :) 2. If there were only 2 or 3 sentences, we'd rarely get some feedback. In a long text, it's easier to hide those hidden messages that force you to write something. You maybe have some questions etc? :) PS from Loooping: We hope we can shere the scene spirit with you. We hope we will get a part of the scene soon. We hope you will accept us. We hope for the best. We don't hope to win the demo compo, not with this production We hope you like Dark Hour and our past & future productions, > Sista Vip Corporation I can debug drugs by testing them on my self (Loooping). This secret part is really c000l (DrDeadmake)
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