PAiN (04/01) by Pain Staff [web]
well, another senseless info file. and we don't even have such a very nice ascii art in our info files as hugi used to have.. on your harddrive, you have now issue 47, also known as issue 04/01. this issue has the same hardware and software requirements as every issue before, so no need to state it again at this place. some additonal comment to the 3d outro (you should maybe watch it before reading this). although easter is already over (and had one of the ever best scene parties there in fallingbostel) we have included some nice egg for you. probably, it's more a kinder surprise egg. you know these? they rule. at least if there's something nice inside. who cares about the chocolat around it? but i'm a bit offtopic. well, try to tell everybody that pain is released, since i can't really post it on the usual news sources. they're down. but i am sure you tell all your friends about pain. okay, i let you go. have a nice read, don't forget to vote on and send me an email to [email protected] if you want. unlock signing off.
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