
Dong by Velocity

                            þ  D    O    N    G  þ

                          AN INTRODUCTION BY VELOCITY

 First presented at ASM'95 64kb introcompo. This intro contains a new effect
 called "Dong"-shading and also some motion blur and something crap (find it
 out yourself!). For music we recomment Gravis Ultrasound. This intro runs
 smoothly on 486DX2/66 with Tseng Labs-display card or better. And here's some
 personal greetings:


 Bugi/Flexion, Mental/Disease, dEAd mAN/Disease, All Fobia Design dudes,
 Phantom/Sonic -PC, Elwood/Voodoo, ReeBoK/S!P, BigJim/Valhalla, MikMak/HardCode,

 and all other in the scene ...


 dEAD mAN, MENtAL, Phantom, Elwood, Duke Nemo, Verne, Segment, Zorlim,


 Heatbeat/CNCD, Purple Motion/Future Crew, Skaven/Future Crew, 99/Orange,
 -SPiDER-/Velocity, Cannibal/Velocity, Jackal/Velocity, Edge/Electromotive
 Force, LizardKing/Triton, Jugi/Complex -PC

 Here is some contact info:
            BBS:                  INTERNET:               SNAIL-MAIL:
    |     Pollux BBS     |                           |   Tuomas Nurmela   |
    |  +358-45-512 685   |  [email protected]  |     Alatie 35      |
    |        24h         |                           |  44120  Ž„nekoski  |

We are looking for graphicians, musicians and coders. So if you are interested
to join Velocity, contact -SPiDER-.


                        COPYRIGHT LICENSE
  This material is not freeware. You are allowed to copy it without 
  restrictions for non-commercial use.
  No payment of any kind may be charged for this product or any combination
  of products or services including this product without our authorization
  and official written license.
  Commercial use, especially the industrial manufacturing on any data
  storage media and their distribution without the expressed permission of
  the producer, is strictly prohibited.
  This program or the data files contained therein may not be altered or
  modified without the permission of the author.
  You take full responsibility for the operation of this software and any
  consequences thereof. We the creators can not accept liability for damages
  or failures arising from the use of this software.  


     Signed:  -SPiDER-/Velocity