
Nightmode by Dual Crew Shining [web]

                            ______.    _____   _______ /_
                         __/_     | __/_    \ /       /_
    D   U  A L CR EW    /   /     |/   /____/.\____.    \   SH IN I  N   G
                     _ /   /      /   /      :    \|     \
                _ __\\\\__________\ _________.___________/
            if you fuck with the best, you better get an hiv-test
\//\\/    file: dcs-nmod.zip          
:// \;    date: 2000-08-08
|\  /.  system: Gameboy Color
\//\\/   title: Nightmode
:.\/:  company: DCS
|/\      genre: Demo
:\/    country: SWEDEN
 :        size: 1Mbit

      supplier: Team DCS
        copier: GB Xchanger

°\- - - - - - -[Release notes]- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Oldskool-style demo from DCS - code by Sasq - art by Vodka - sound by Laxity
°\- - - - - - -[Greetings]- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

   Capital  Eurasia  High society  Lightforce  Menace  Oldskool  Paradox
   Utopia                                                                            :
o__                                                                       /\:
°\- - - - - - -[Contact]- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \/|
      DCS is looking for suppliers and coders for                      /\\//\
      quality console releases.                                        \//\\/
                                                                       .// \:
      efnet #dcsconsole                                                ;\  /.
      [email protected]                                                 /\\//\