spintro by Success PC [web]
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Nothing special if you look at the whole thing, but then again, how could we make something so "unspecial" if we weren't such Mutoids from Mars? There seems to be a problem with our GUS player. As the coder of the player is busy studying, we can not fix it. So on some ultrasounds you can encounter some problems. If you do please leave me (tim) mail telling me the version of your ultrasound. ú CREDITS ú Code.......: Dustin Graphics...: HarleQuiN Music......: HarleQuiN ú GREETINGS ú Logic Design, aCME, Ground Zero, Bonzai, Surprise!Productions, Proxima, Fatal Justice, The Vibrants, B000 Productions, Nostalgia, Hypnosis, and some other but I can't find my greetings list. ú HARLEQUIN'S PERSONAL NOTE TO THE REW/NOSTALGIA ú Ja, okay. ú X-95 ú Come to our easter-celebration! "X-95" will be held in Utrecht/Holland at april the 22nd till the 23rd, so put some eggs up yours and come over! Check out our invitation intro, X95INTRO.ZIP. For information, just call +31 (0)30-614845, between 20:00 and 24:00 at fridays ONLY! Hope to see ya there. Oh yeah, PC and 64 only! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ú COPYRIGHTS ú The Spintro is copyright (c) SuccesS, 1995. It is freeware, meaning that you can give it away to anyone (please do!), under the condition that all contents of the archive remain unaltered!! Furthermore, we forbid ANY COMMERCIAL SOFTWARE DISTRIBUTOR to spread this one, and all our other releases on CD-ROM, floppy disks, video, or any other medium without prior WRITTEN permission from the author(s). We have seen CD-ROMs being sold for ridiculous prices, containing demos from guys who have worked their butts off, for NO PAYMENT at all. Now someone comes along, makes a CD-ROM and sells it for his own profit. THIS MUST BE STOPPED! The same accounts for commercial Bulletin Board Systems. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ú SUCCESS MEMBERSTATUS ú Demo Section Success PC ú HANDLE ú ú FUNCTION ú ú AGE ú ú NAME ú TIM.........: oRGASMIZER, fEW gRAPHICS 31 yODA SCOUT.......: cODER 23 sAREK HARLEQUIN...: gRAPHICIAN, mUSICIAN 9 months jAMES tIBERIUS kIRK DUSTIN......: cODER OLD jIMMY wHITE MITCH.......: gRAPHICIAN 53 aNAKIN sKYWALKER DICKY DICK..: cODER 0.003 nANA mOUSKOURI D-BYTE......: cODER 3mhz mR. sINCLAIR SuccesS Telephony and Telegraphy Service: (ST&T) ú HANDLE ú ú FUNCTION ú ú AGE ú ú NAME ú GIZMO.......: uNKNOWN? $00FF b-REAL CBA.........: cOURIER IMMORTAL rICK jAMES RIGOR MORTIS: BBS Organizer, Sysop. 6 eons rOWAN aTKINSON EARTHSHAKER.: mAIL sWAPPER 1.44" sJONNIE sOFT ú HOW TO CONTACT sUCCESs ú Contacting us is really a whistle of a cent. Send letters, disks, flowers and Fatherboards to the following addresses: Email: tim@pitel_lnx.ibk.hvu.nl (General SuccesS address) Our new megaswapper's address: EARTHSHAKER/SUCCESS J. van Campenstraat 14 1271 LP Huizen Holland (trade some disks with him!) TIM/SUCCESS HARLEQUIN/SUCCESS SCOUT/SUCCESS Peltlaan 15 Blokmakerstraat 29, Acaciastreet 29 bis 3527 EA Utrecht 1013 DG Amsterdam 3551 BE Utrecht Holland Holland Holland +31-(0)30-946235 +31-(0)20-6221499 +31-(0)30-432509 tim@pitel_lnx.ibk.hvu.nl [email protected] [email protected] ú HARLEQUIN'S NEW ADDRESS ú HarleQuiN and his girlfriend, Lana, have sieged her mother's house, and now cozily live in a big house in the center of Amsterdam. The rent is low, life is grand, what else could he want? Send him a card if you think you deserve to live there instead! ú E-MAIL NOTE ú Since HarleQuiN is on a free public network, he is unable to reply any e-mail that comes from outside Holland. However, he DOES like to hear from people overseas, so please, send him some e-mail, but don't think he's being cocky if you don't get a reply!! All you Dutch buccaneers out there will ofcourse get response, 100%! ú BULLETIN BEARD SHAVERS ú ÿ ú Name ú ú Sysop ú ú Status ú ú Number ú KAOZ LANDZ Rigor Mortis Memberboard +31-4120-52026 SUPREME COURT Steel distro +31-1650-51850 THE HIDEOUT The Baud Bandit distro +49-611-9545013 EINSTEIN BBS Sleeping Dog distro +32-3-3851594 DIGITAL DIMENSIONS Nutcracker distro +1-604533-3720 ORBIT ??? distro +30-61-222421 ú FTP SITE ú pitel_lnx.ibk.hvu.nl note: the ftp site is not a demo site but it has a Success PC directory. So you can get only Success warez here! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ú JOIN THE BAND ú (And become a drug-addicted pop-hero.) If you're a reasonable person with common sense, and you own a fast BBS, and you would like to be a site/HQ/affilliate board, do not hesitate to contact us! We are always looking for people who think their efforts (whatever it is you think you're good at) will serve our cause. If you think we are talking about you contact us! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ú EPILOGUE ú Well, that's it for now... Feel free to leave some comments or remarks about our productions, we're eager to hear from you! Until the prune-time. ú NFO CREDITS ú Text: HARLEQUIN ASCII logo: HARLEQUIN Music: HEINO, The German Lee Towers - "Too much of anything, Lieutenant, even love, isn't nessecarily a good thing!" - Kirk to Uhura
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