
Das Schweigen der Lamer by Knockout

                             KNOCKOUT PRESENTS:

 #######    #####    #####
 #      #  #     #  #     #
 #      #  #     #  #
 #      #  #     #   #####
 #      #  #######        #
 #      #  #     #  #     #
 #######   #     #   #####

  ######    #####   #      #  #        #  ###### #   #####  ###### #     #
 #      #  #     #  #      #  #        #  #      #  #     # #      ##    #
 #         #        #      #  #    #   #  #      #  #       #      # #   #
  ######   #        ########  #    #   #  ####   #  #  #### ####   #  #  #
        #  #        #      #  #    #   #  #      #  #     # #      #   # #
 #      #  #     #  #      #   #  # # #   #      #  #     # #      #    ##
  ######    #####   #      #    #    #    ###### #   #####  ###### #     #

 #######   ######  ######
 #      #  #       #     #
 #      #  #       #     #
 #      #  ####    ######
 #      #  #       #   #
 #      #  #       #    #
 #######   ######  #     #

 #        #####  #       # ######  ######
 #       #     # ##     ## #       #     #
 #       #     # # #   # # #       #     #
 #       #     # #  # #  # ####    ######
 #       ####### #   #   # #       #   #
 #       #     # #       # #       #    #
 ####### #     # #       # ######  #     #

                        (Silence of the Lamers)

 Well here's our 1st demo I guess. I mean, we did do something before,
 all those Blackmail intros ya know and that Jackpot crap which was
 suposed 2 be a demo ;-)
 Anyway we get older and wiser but we're still as K.O.-tic as we've
 always been. So this is the result.
 Well, you probably won't see many new effects, just good old Phong
 shading, 3D plasma or texture mapping. Hope you'll still enjoy this
 uh... new kind of demo.

 Hardware requirements:
 "Das Schweigen der Lamer" should run on a 386 with 560 KB of free
 base memory. If you wanna hear music, you need a soundcard (GUS or SB)
 and about 1 MB of EMS. Well, if you really wanna enjoy all parts of this
 demo, you should have a 486/33 or better. But I guess, most people do.

 And if you don't find yourself on a psychologist's couch after watching
 it, you can contact us, of course:

 Bj”rn Schott
 Papenkamp 24
 24114 Kiel
 E-Mail: [email protected]
 (that's me, Midnight, but please, avoid the handle on the envelope)

 Maybe we should introduce ourselves now:

 Surfin' Bird:
 Our top-of-the-line GFX artist and asshole 4 all situations. Don't take
 him personal or you gonna have serious inferiority complexes. He's doing
 his civil service at the youth hostel "Auf dem Stintfang" in Hamburg.
 You might meet him there. By the way, he's an excellent painter, really.
 He and I founded the diskmag BLACKMAIL in 1993.

 "I've tried something", that's what he says when he's just composed
 another excellent piece of music. He's a real Techno freak and the
 best Techno is his own (at least, I think so). By the way, he's barely
 16 years old. I guess you gonna HEAR more about him... or BY him :-)

 He's quite new in our team. Originally he wanted to become a coder, but
 we badly needed another GFX man, so I convinced him 2 do artworx 4 us.
 Actually, the results were very nice, so this is probably not the last
 demo containing pictures by him.

 Yep, that's me. I've done all the coding, so I'm the one 2 blame if
 this demo crashes on your computer. Unfortunately I don't have so much
 time 2 code anymore, coz I study medicine (that's right, medicine, so
 take care of yourselves ;-) ) and that's kind of a full time job.

                              The End

                             For now...

 "There's a hell of a good universe next door - let's go!"