
Episode Six Six Six by Dead Hackers Society [web]

               ___________     ______   ______    ____________
              !           \   !      ! !      !  /           /
              ! !    _     \  ! !    !_!      ! / /  _______/
           ___! !   !_\     \_! !             !_\ \         \____
           :::!     !:/   / /:!       _     ! !::\_______  \ \:::
           :::!          / /::!      !:!    ! !::/         / /:::
           ::::::::::::::[ Dead Hackers Society ]::::::::::::::::
           :                                                    :
           :               Episode six six six                  :
           :                                                    :
           :      A 4-kbyte intro released march 27, 2005       :
           :                                                    :
           :                                                    :
           : Machine:   Falcon060                               :
           :                                                    :
           :            2 MB or more RAM (FastRam compatible)   :
           :                                                    :
           :            Any TOS, MagiC, MiNT or Geneva.         :
           :                                                    :
           :                                                    :
           : Credits:   Music             505                   :
           :                                                    :
           :            Music driver      Tao                   :
           :                                                    :
           :            Code              Gizmo                 :
           :                                                    :
           :            Code              Evil                  :
           :                                                    :
           :                                                    :
           : This is our feeble attempt of a 4k intro for the   :
           : Outline 2005 party competition.                    :
           :                                                    :
           : The intro probably starts and runs on a 030 or 040 :
           : Falcon. But considering >1000 faces 3D and 1x1     :
           : pixel size, we're pretty sure it's only worth      :
           : watching on a Falcon with a 060 chip.              :
           :                                                    :
           : As always, we began coding this far too late and   :
           : could only send in the contribution via mobile-    :
           : phone connection to the party (thanks baggio!).    :
           :                                                    :
           :                                                    :
           : From the start, the plans were big for Outline'05. :
           : Trying to arrange a big swedish trip, as in former :
           : Error In Line years. And come down with new demos  :
           : for the ST, Falcon060 as well as 96k intro and 4k  :
           : intros for the Falcon.                             :
           :                                                    :
           : It started out that nobody from the nearby area    :
           : were interested to go to the party, so we had to   :
           : cancel the trip. Then, we realised that we would   :
           : not manage to finish a new ST demo, or Falcon demo :
           : so we concentrated on doing a 96k intro for the    :
           : Falcon..  505 did a great ACE Tracker job for us   :
           : and all seemed fine. Then we became more lazy than :
           : ever and about a week before Outline we realised   :
           : that we wouldn't be able to do the 96k either..    :
           :                                                    :
           : So, the multiple demos and intros ended up in only :
           : a 4k intro! Bah, we suck.                          :
           :                                                    :
           :                                                    :
           : Contact DHS                                        :
           :                                                    :
           :                                                    :
           : Homepage: http://dhs.nu/                           :
           :                                                    :
           :   E-Mail: [email protected]                                :
           :                                                    :