verschrobeneFarben by meinRamiSZugrOSs
+----------------------+ | "verschrobeneFarben": | von meinRamiSZugrOSs +-----------------------------+ st0ff64........code, musick zwoelf11.......more code, gfx zzander........motivation no resolution-switched possible thru the demo. sorry, i had no time. it should run in 800x600 (easy changing in sourcecode) this demo is release under the terms of the GNU GPL. It is almost platform independent and should run under Windows, Linux and MacOS X it uses: SDL ( OpenGL through SDL ( SMPEG for mp3 (look at SDL and SMPEG are also free (GPL) for more info contact <[email protected]> (dont ask things concerning the sources, they are PRETTY UGLY....we should have started earlier) whole lotta thanks to: /zwoelf11's dad /debila /huohnmnmn-sonstwas (aka "schatzi") /die konservative avantgarde: luis corvalan * dispanser / jena /benny (aka "subzee") /apple /all people who believe in gnu and open-source (how pathetic)
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