Trekmo by Patrik Aalto
Hi, and thanks for trying out my TREKMO (TREK DEMO, if you didn't figure it out yet :-) demo. The demo is just a simple framework around my current 3D rendering engine, with a Gravis UltraSound sound system included. The demo is targeted to fast 486 machines, preferably 486/33 with local bus display or any 486/66 machine. Running it on 386 machines is possible but not very enjoyable. The demo will also need some 400 kilobytes of memory and a register-compatible VGA display. The demo will loop forever (or until you press ESC) unless you run it with "trekmo -once". If you want to hear the music, you must have a Gravis UltraSound (GUS) card with AT LEAST 768K of DRAM. You also need to have the ULTRASND environment variable set, and you must have run ULTRINIT before running the demo. If you have less memory on your GUS, I recommend you rename (or delete, but then you cannot distribute this demo) the BANK0.GUS file so that music will not be played. You should seriously consider upgrading your GUS to a full 1MB, though! If you do not have a GUS, I suggest you get one :-). If you are certain you will not, you can delete the BANK?.GUS files to save disk space. Do NOT distribute TREKMO without those files, though. The demo memory usage consists of the following areas: - PMODE 2.4 header: 14968 bytes - main code & data area: 66957 bytes - NCC-1701D data: 30684 bytes - Romulan Warbird data: 61268 bytes - song events: 62460 bytes - 16-bit Z-buffer: 153600 bytes ------- 389937 bytes (381 KB) At the end of the demo (you can end it any time by pressing ESC) you will see the average framerate. Below is a table of machines I have tested the demo on. If the framerate on your machine is much below 20 fps, you have too slow a machine for TREKMO, sorry. The GUS music will have no effect on the framerate. Machine CPU Graphics Bus Framerate ----------------------- ---------- -------- --- --------- Compaq Prolinea 4/66 486DX2/66 ET4000 VLB 40.7 fps Developed on this one: 486/33 ATI ISA 20.5 fps AST Bravo LC 4/25s 486SX/25 Cirrus VLB 19.6 fps Hyundai S386-C 386/20 S3 ISA 6.5 fps Patrick Aalto [email protected]
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