
Flower by Prune [web] & Condense [web]

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\  / ^\   / ^\            - P R U N E -             _       /
/ /   ^\ /   ^\                                  * / \      \
\ \___^²*²___^/              presents            _ \_/  *   /
/  ___²*#*²___                                  / \   _     \
\ /   ^²*²   ^\           * F L O W E R *       \_/  / \    /
/ \   ^/ \   ^/                                      \_/    \
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\_________________                                          /
/                 \            _____________________________\
\   Presented at  /           /                             /
/ Synthesis party \           \ http://www.available.soon   \
\  02-2001 France /  *        /_____________________________/
/                 \     _ *                                 \
\_________________/    / \                                  /
/                    * \_/ *           _____________________\
\_____________________________        /                     /
/                             \       \  PRUNE is:          \
\ This demo is the first      /       /                     /
/ release of Prune            \       \  Code:              \
\                             /  *    /   No Recess         /
/ 3 weeks of hard work, and   \       \   Stil              \
\ 3 days at the party place   /  _ *  /                     /
/                             \ / \   \  Music              \
\ Enjoy it lots of times ,']  / \_/   /   Med               /
/                             \       \                     \
\ Special thanx to :          /   *   /  Gfxs               /
/ Fra / Mandarine             \       \   Zaac              \
\ for his help at the party   /       /    Mikl             /
/_____________________________\       \     Zone            \
\                                     /                     /
/                                     \  3D                 \
\                                     /   Neurox            /
/                                     \_____________________\
\                                                           /
\                                                           /
/ We send our best regards to the followings :              \
\ (no particular order ,'] - sorry for the forgotten)       /
/                                                           \
\ Orion, Wipe, Mandarine, Cocoon, Dim4, Bomb, Orange Juice, /
/ Art&fakt, Mankind, Popsy team, Syndrome, Ukonx, Condense, \
\ UKurve, Fuzzion, Network, Centolos, BLUE, mdr, d'oh!      /
/                                                           \
\ and Cymagine & Experience for their big patience :-)      /
/ thank you for waiting us for the deadline.                \
\                                                           /
/                                                           \
\ Contact us :                                              /
/ No Recess       http://norecess.planet-d.net              \
\ Stil            [email protected]                     /
/ Med             [email protected]                         \
\ Zaac            [email protected]                           /
/ Mikl            www.artofmikl.fr.st                       \
\ Zone            http://www.lezone.fr.st                   /
/ Neurox          [email protected]                       \
\                                                           /
/                                                           \
\ IRCnet : #pixelfr, #ArfStd, #cpcfr, #amigafr              /
/                                                           \
\ Members of Prune send special greetings to :              /
/ Arrakis, Fra, Unison, Eomer, Froggy, Dax, Belette, Chew,  \
\ Krabob, Nytrik, Falk, Eagle, Kacy, WillBe, Made, Yes, PS, /
/ Myke, Tex, Akira, Laeti, Danube, AK, Rasta, Dlyr, Potsky, \
\ Chandra, Jylam, Piano, Splif, Sear, Xbarr, Jibe, Traven,  /
/ Gozer, Skiz0, Yoy, Typlan, Pierroz, Hedningarna, Z, U2,   \
\ Madman, Nasty, Stv, Acetone, HAM, piaku,star,scoret,lordk /
/ analogue,basile, Spady, mOOnster, Nithril, Antoche, BoZ.  \