
SMiLE! Writer v1.1 by Smile

                _______  ____  ____ ____ ____       _______ _____
 ____________  /   .   |_    \/    |    |    | __  /   .   |_    | ____________
     ___      |    |_____)   \/    |    |    |    |    |_____)   |      ___
    /   \    __\___    \|    ||    |    |    |____|_    __|___   |     /   \
   |  || |  (__    |    |    ||    |    |    |    __)  |    __)  |    | ||  |
   | \___|    |    |    |    ||    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |___/ |
    \___/     |    o    |    ||    |    |    o    |    o    |____|     \___/
 ____________ |   _____/|____||    |____|\_____   |\_____   |____) ____________
              |____|          |____|         |____|    |____|
                            - SNES Coding Division -

                               SMILE Writer v1.1

 Well our SNES Coding division almost thought that nobody liked the SNES
 Writer... but fortunately there was an error in v1.0. The SRAM2SMC.IPS did 
 not patch the file type, so some copiers thought it still was a SRAM save.
 There's a new IPS patch included in this version.

 SMILE Writer lets you edit your own textscreen on the SNES which can be saved
 as a SMC standalone! Here's how it works:
 If you run SMILE Writer on your SNES, you will see the previous message
 being 'typed'. If you press SELECT you enter the edit mode where you can
 change the messages using the joypad. Use the joypad to move the cursor.
 B decreases the character (B changes to A etc.), A increases the character,
 Y clears the character and X clears the whole message. If you press START
 the message will be saved to the SRAM. Now get the SRAM using a sendutility
 or your copier. The first byte of your savefile must be changed to 04 and 
 the file type must be changed to SMC file, this can be done by patching 
