
Dive by xevius [web]

- DIVE - Party Version - (c) Xevius productions 1995


 Lead code, 3d system etc. by Blazer.
 Bouncing boobies original idea and code by Cape.
 Soundsystem interfacing by Drake.
 Soundtrack by Fading Nimbus.
 3D objects by Painless and Blazer.
 Shark stolen from a VRML site. Animated by Painless.
 Graphics by Blazer and FancyPants.
 Soundsystem by MikMak.

 Blazer        - Kasper Hoy Nielsen    - [email protected]
 Cape          - Carsten Joergensen    - [email protected]
 Drake         - Jonas Arffmann Hansen - [email protected]
 Fading Nimbus - Emil Arffmann Hansen  - [email protected]
 Painless      - Jakob Keis Hansen     - [email protected]
 FancyPants    - Jens Peter Holme      - hmmm...