
COMPILE MJJ A 10 ANS + 1 by MJJ Prod [web]

############## ATARI-ST #############
## ##  #### #### ###  ###   ##  ###
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############### 2oo3 ################

Intro-Menu : COMPILE MJJ A 10 ANS + 1
version : 1.3.i
last release : 2003/12/22
code asm/gfa : Zorro2
graphic : F.F.
muzaxx : NoMore/Animal Mine
utilities : 
(ST) devpack 2.5fr - gfabasic 3.5fr
neochrome master 2.24 - dali 4
(PC) ultraedit - steem 2.61fr
tested on :
1040 STF - TOS 1.02fr
520 STE - 4 Mo - TOS 1.62fr
STEEM v 2.61fr - TOS 1.02fr
SAINT v 1.32 - TOS 1.0en
tested off :
all Falcon

<--------- This compile regroup a lot
of production of MJJPROD since 10 years.
This compile was already to be completed
one year ago but the code in gfa-basic
showed its weaknesses... damned !!!

This intro doesn't work on Falcon, sorry...
But you can tested on it with each intro
programs on this compile ----------------->

The author's comments ---------------------
Sorry for this crap intro, but I would make
this in comparaison with old intros that you
can see on this compile. The gfx have 1 year
old and the crappy ripp codes maybe more...
I don't know very well the assembler but all
that I can say, that I have really sweated 
about it !?! I'll return on the gfa-basic...
No time to make a real loader. No time to...
------------ Zorro2 aka Freddo -----------

All comments and supports at MJJPROD :
Fel'X : [email protected]
Website : http://perso.wanadoo.fr/mjjprod/

############## ATARI-ST #############
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##### MJJPROD COPYRIGHT (c)2oo3 #####

"Long days on atari ST is Fun !"
-- FrEd!