C64 Multicolor Camera (P5JS)
C64 MULTICOLOR CAMERA (p5js) 1.0 Creator: ixistenz/la1n Content: C64 Camera for HTML/JS (PC/MAC/MobilePhones) Runs local: - DoubleClick on index.html or - Online at: https://www.swissdigitization.ch/public/c64camera/ Features - MultiColorMode with 200*160 in 4x8 Blocks (1 Block: Background + 3 Colors out of 16) - Option to show the blocks - Option to show the blocks with more than 3 Colors. - Online Web Version for MobilePhone - Option to use FrontCamera Greetings: R. Werner, J. Juul, SCA and all the masochistic artist for the C64! Documentation/How it works: https://research.swissdigitization.ch/?p=3129
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