Chopsticks by Omicron
chopsticks ['tschopsticks] pair of sticks ( wood, ivory, etc ) used by Chinese and Japanese to lift food to the mouth. -[ Information ]- This is a three weeks project which competed in the REMEDY'96 intro compo. We decided to make an intro for a change and this time with NO vector effects ( we saved them for our forthcoming demo )! It's meant to be run on a 486/66 and most of the effects run in full framerate or at least in half ( no pentium intro here ). A gus is required to hear the music but you can run the intro with no sound. 2 MB of XMS is required and about 500 KB convential memory. -[ Credits (A-Z) ]- Code: Alter Ego Orc Outrage! Wizard Gfx: Blackcross Music: Outrage! with some help from Orc and Cubic One. -[ Chopsticks goes to (A-Z) ]- Candela, Cascada, Complex, Dead beef, Daskmig, Dlc, Elfsong, Gash Goto 10, Insane, Mistery, Noice, Phenomena, Phoenix, Proxima, Razor TBL, Tpolm, Trimate, Triton, Velvet Development, Yodel, Xenophobe and X-trade... @, Camorra, Cubic Team, Dubius, EMF, Fascination, Halcyon, Iguana, Impact Studio, Imphobia, Jamm, Live!, NoooN, Orange, Oxygen, Plant, Sorrox, Surprise!, Valhalla and all attending Remedy'96... If we forgot somebody, it's because we are in a hurry...( as always ) -[ Cascada gossip ]- "Nobody but someone in CDA knows how this last paragraph (7) really got in here or why, if you know please contact your local authorities and let them know. There goes a romour that this someone might have a handle that starts with an 'H' and continues with 'ellie' ..." Do you remember this one? From the MindBodySoul infofile? We have now managed to decrypt the last sentence, and have come to the conclusion that it must have been Roberto Chaves aka Hellraiser aka Hellie, who wrote it. We have also found out that our friend Hellie often takes a bath with his clothes on... Weird, isn't it? And that is not the whole story I'm afraid. We have been told that our friend Erik Stridell aka Zodiak, buys a brand new Pentium 133, just to flush it down the toilet... Either he must have a lot of money, or he must get real kick out of it, or whatewer... We can't forget our friend Johan Thorgren aka Zed. How's the new Robyn album? Thats about all our Omicron gossip section (C) found out... BTW, We really like Cascada VR section's attempt to make 5 flat shaded polys in 160x100x16, but it really needs some more coding to be really cutting edge. With some more time infront of the vectorsystem, it'll be ok, I'm sure. ;) -[ Disclaimer etc ]- This software MAY NOT BE SOLD, put on a CD-ROM or similar distribution without the prior written consent from an Omicron member. It would be nice if you also could give us a copy of the CD-ROM. This software MAY be distributed via BBS networks, the Internet, and by any similar way, such as giving it physically to other people. You MAY NOT alter any of the files included, but you MAY include BBS advertisements, if the size is reasonable, and if it looks good. This software is provided "AS IS" and without warranty of any kind. Omicron EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. AND BE SURE TO REMEMBER THIS OR OTHERWISE WE'LL DO NASTY THINGS WITH OUR CHOPSTICKS ON YOU! -[ Contact us ]- Look at our cyber chopsticks page: It's totally redone and now really worth the visit... Big thanx to Zed/Cascada for making it. Send your computerised chopsticks to: "alias" e.g [email protected] Send some snail chopsticks to: OMICRON c/o Hasselrot Riddarv. 23 S-181 32 Liding SWEDEN Call our chopsticks boards: Board Country Number --------------------------------------------------------------------- Mostly Harmless Sweden +46-8-6369011 +46-8-7673586 The Portal Sweden +46-26-196363 Cryonics BBS Sweden +46-36-165110 Surfers Dream Sweden +46-300-21883 SpaceBar Norway +47-64933499 CountZero Norway +47-55122962 Psychotron Finland +358-0-2922995 A.C.E France +33-1-45887548 Primal Disorder United Kingdom +44-1628-74179 +44-1628-543904 Mortal Dystrophy Germany +49-7940-59414 Point Break Belgium +32-11-436925 The Velvet Demosite Belgium +32-3-3851594 Tetsou Belgium +32-2-7725229 OverFlow The Netherlands +31-15-2566101 SL1210 The Netherlands +31-43-3638243 Roofs of Fear The Netherlands +31-113-250655 Edge of Insanity USA +1-8045832565 Wasted Image USA +1-409-8331391 Throwing Copper USA +1-708-5532829 Rendering In Progress Spain +34-3-4902471 AltCon BBS Brazil +55-11-816-2031 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- We are truly sorry if we have forgotten any of our distsites or HQ. Mail us if you are left out... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [May the chopsticks be with you]
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