
Conflict by Dead Hackers Society [web]

                 ______           ____     __     _________
                 \  __ \          \  /\   / /\    \  ______\
                 / /\_\ \         / /_/__/ / /    / /_______\
                / / /  \ \       / _____  / /     \_____ \
               / / /   / /\     / /\___/ / /       \___/ /\ 
            __/ /_/___/ / /__  / / /  / / /__  /\_____/ / /__
            \__________/ //_/\/_/ /  /_/ //_/\/________/ //_/\
             \_________\/ \_\/\_\/   \_\/ \_\/\________\/ \_\/ 
                     -ð[ Dead Hackers Society ]ð-  
                        C  O  N  F  L  I  C  T 
                      -ð[ For the Falcon 030 ]ð- 

                                 F I L E S  

Demo files
conflict.prg                 - The whole dentro (start with this one)

docs\conflict.txt            - This information (ASCII)
docs\conflict.ans            - This information (ANSi)
docs\dhsbases.txt            - Info about DHS Bulletinboards (ASII)
docs\dhsbases.ans            - Info about DHS Bulletinboards (ANSi)

Routines (wich is used in -Conflict-)
routs\dsp_mod\dsp_mod.lzh    - A great DSP player. By bITmASTER / BSW 

 ------ >> Please, DO spread all thoose files along with the dentro. << ------

                      S Y S T E M   R E Q I R E M E N T S

Computer: Falcon 030
  Memory: A minimum of 4meg
   Media: Any kind of disk storing 720kb or more
   Speed: 16mhz (not tested with accelerators)

                            I N F O R M A T I O N

The demo is written in recordtime for being a DHS production (the last one
took about one year(Just Musix 2)). The whole demo was created From 1993-12-29
to 1994-01-04 (less than a week).  

After having tested the Falcon a bit, only one comment is needed: FANTASTIC!
Altough we do NOT use the DSP we where quite amazed that some of the routines
ran about 4-5 times faster than on the STe (one circle on the STe took about 50%
CPU time without clearing, and on the Falcon we have 8 Circles in about 85-90%
time with clearing (cache rules!).

The demo runs in 384*240*8 mode(lowrez+overscan, 256 colours) and the
endpart 384*480*8 (lowrez+overscan+interlace, 256 colours). 
The WHOLE demo is updating everyting in 50 frames a second! (real smooth)


   Textputter: Idea from the Sliver (Sharon Stone movie) intro.
 Chess Zoomer: Very simple trick, takes about 40 scanlines...
  Linevectors: Pretty complex objects with 8 shades.
      Circles: 8 REALTIME calculated circles in 8 different bitplanes.
Phychopattern: Very simple trick, takes about 40 scanlines... (any idea?)
  Endscroller: Updating the screen with CPU. Takes a lot of time, but who cares?

                             D I S C L A I M E R

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be enjoying, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY of FITNESS

                               C O P Y I N G

This program may be freely copied as long as all files are included in their
orginal directory.

Public Domain libraries intending to distribute this piece of software must
make a separate agreement with Dead Hackers Society (read the contact part).

                        K N O W N   P R O B L E M S

- None at the moment, please contact us if you find any bugs (see contact part).

                               C O N T A C T

If you wanna contact Dead Hackers Society for anything (nothing illegal)
just phone, write or yell as hard as you possibly can on some of the
following ways:

Anders Eriksson (Evil)
Lonnvagen 2
783 32  Sater

Phone: (Evil)
Outside Sweden - +46-225-50219
 Inside Sweden - 0225-50219

Dead Hackers Society North HQ - +46-225-51759 - v32" - 24h - FIDO 2:205/313.10
Dead Hackers Society South HQ - +46-221-11611 - v32" - 24h 
Dead Hackers Society  West HQ - +46-225-38113 - v32" - 24h - FIDO 2:201/244

-- > See dhsbases.* textfile for more info about the Bulletin Board Systems < --

[email protected] (Loke)
[email protected]    (ET)

                                 C R E D I T S

  Coding: Loke (Chesszoomer, 3D routine, psychopattern and circles, endscroller)
          ET (textputter)
          Bellman (lineroutine, fracalroutine)
Graphics: Evil (all bitmapped and vector graphics)
   Music: Dasse (both modules)
   Ideas: Evil, ET and Loke
  Design: Evil, ET and Loke

                               G R E E T I N G S

Alphabetical order:

Alibaba                      Still in the army?  HAHAHAHA!
Brainless Institute          Any new partys on the drawingboard?
Dr.Doom                      You are dead in Barren! ;)
Exellence In Art             Very nice Talk Talk!
Fairlight (C64, Amiga)
Frankie Tool
Friendchip                   Waiting for your new demo...
Inner Circuit Explorers      Great Ecstasy and Ecstasy 2. Contact us!
Istari                       Skulle du vilja vara tomte, Sven? ;)
JLM                          Keep up the good HD prices!
Lynx                         Very nice BBSIntro 3, and very good board too.
MoraNET                      Hi there Mats, thanks for the hints.
New Beat                     A dream or reality?
New Core                     Hi Blade, thanks for all help.
Power Sonic
Reward                       Please, release your Contractions demo...
Scum Of The Earth            Your demo, is it finished soon?
Tito                         Hope your Falcon will arrive soon.
The Black Lotus              Hi Code, how's it going with Octalyser?
The Lazer heads
The Legion                   Nice board
The Toxic Twins              Nice board
Triton Rex
Unit Seventeen               What happened to Red Dwarf?
Viking X
Virtual (Amiga)
Xela                         Dasse forever or what? :--)
Yeager                       Send me the f***ing tape!

                 And all those we have forgotten... Sorry!

        D E A D   H A C K E R S   S O C I E T Y   P R O D U C T I O N S

Name           Machine     Released    Music
----           -------     --------    -----
STe slideshow: STe         Spring-92   25khz, 7bit      Protracker (WizzCat/DF)
   Just Musix: STe         Spring-92   25khz, 7bit      Protracker (WizzCat/DF)
    DHS Porno: STe         Spring-93   25khz, 7bit      UCDM (Blade/New Core)
      Tyranny: STe         1993-06-26  12 & 25khz, 7bit UCDM (Blade/New Core)
 Just Musix 2: STe         1993-08-14  25khz, 7bit      UCDM (Blade/New Core)
     Conflict: Falcon 030  1994-01-02  50khz, 8bit      DSPMOD (bITmASTER/BSW)

 --- >> Do You want any of thoose products?  View the "Contact" part! << ---

 - !End of file! - (Please, no FUCKING annoying commercial in this package!)