Channel 88 by Fuse
FUSE.(c).97 CHANNEL.88 îïcíÚî remonte control remix two days+one nite production - o - background music...ù....SHAD orchestra..........ù...MIDAS kernel productionz.ù.PMODE/W ax,cx.director.....ù...BIELU executive producer.ù....RAEL T H A N K Y O U Don't forget to turn off your TV set (16:9 coz) - o - Love as always... XMS,FAST CPU, VGA, SOUND +512kb EMS 4 not GUS USERS [seVen] All animation frames are in 40x25x64 grays. All ANIMATIONS are unpacked , becouse all my packers were tragically killed in Jumbo Conner Jet crash. Other background fx are realtime calculated. No tricky ENVmapping. Pure asm exept Xlink coded in TP 7.0(propably?) [elEVen] Gretings to all we know and we love. Special love stuff goes to following: {RANDOM-SORRY} GRASS.LSD.ZENIAL.BLAZE.CASE.CORRE.WACEK.VIRNE.CROAKER.BLITZ.HALME.DUNE.KEYG MAZOR.DUKE.HOPLITE.CYBERPIG.SHAD.EMBER.VAIN.STORM.FX.HOLYDRAKE.SCORPIK.SPY. YOGHURT.BARTESEK.FALCON.RAIDEN.CAMEL.CLIFFORDM.NITRO.ZEB.ASMU.WARLOCK.YOYO. FEATHER.MNEMONIK.JABBAR.ROD.BALROG.CHESTER.OCE.BARTI...AND ALL OUR FRIENDS. [twenty] Joe Croaker is weared in orange t-shirt. Joe Croaker's face is purple. As always under hypnotization. He saw many leather moomins. He always need some oxygene. Lou feather...his big brother will install bomb at Wired97. One of them has no pulse, but who cares? REMEMBER - TV is LIER. no DeeP FeEliNgs? no reasons. Out of lOve! See ya in nowhere after 38 hours of work, beer/coffee drinking ^ sleepless. [one] Play checkers with us at: [if important] bielu/fuse shad/pulse^live rael/fuse bielecki rafal carl allegre wolinski tomasz ul. urbanowicza 9/6 22 av. du gal. leclerc ul. urbanowicza 17/25 08-521 Deblin 3 94470 boissy st leger 08-521 Deblin 3 _poland_ _france_ _poland_ [email protected][8/9.07.1997ad] bielu^rael^11 empty bottles P.S. Cool beer for every one. P.S. IO'4 or WIRED'97 - funny scene folks - maybe.
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