Two In One by Dead Hackers Society [web]
____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ _________________/''''''\____/''\__/''\___/''''''\__________________ _________________/'''''''\___/''\__/''\__/''''''''\_________________ _________________/''\__/''\__/''\__/''\__/''\__/''\_________________ _________________/''\__/''\__/''''''''\___/''''''\__________________ _________________/''\__/''\__/''''''''\____/''''''\_________________ _________________/''\__/''\__/''\__/''\__/''\__/''\_________________ _________________/''''''''\__/''\__/''\__/''''''''\_________________ _________________/'''''''\___/''\__/''\___/''''''\__________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ________________ Two in one - Dead Hackers Society _________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Released - December 5, 1999 For the christmas online competition Version 1.1 (UPDATED!) It bugged on Standard falcons before (screen flicker). Now fixed. Hardware requirements: - ST, STe, TT or Falcon - One megabyte RAM - All screens run in one VBL (50 FPS) on a plain ST (Hi Keops!) - It is tested with STe, TT and Centurbo II Falcon. It works fine with these and hopefully plain ST's and Falcons will show it okey as well. - If you have fastram, fileflags should be: Fastload ON Load ALT ON Malloc ALT OFF Software requirements: - None, it runs from TOS, MagiC, MiNT, Geneva. Falcons can have screen expanders enabled etc, it should work fine from any circumstances. Known Bugs: - None at the moment. Problems: - Falcon with double-vbl bug might want to run the twinsync patch program for better results. That's a Falcon hardware problem, not an error of this demo. Credits: - Muzax: Dma-Sc / Sector One - Code: Bellman - Graphics/scanning/design/code: Evil Contact: - E-mail: [email protected] - Homepage: Disclaimer: - The authours of this demo take no responsibility for any hardware, software, brains, eyes, ears damaged! You are running it at your own risk. Copying: - Do whatever you want with it. Coverdisks, CDROMS, FTP archives, BBSes, commercial sales... We don't care. Last words: - Okey, so this wasn't what you expected from DHS. Whatta bunch of lamers who reinvite effects from 1990! As there has been some babble latlely about how crap "oldskool" demos are, and from others how boringsome tunnels are. Well, we decided that in time for christmas it was time to join the two styles togther :-) As the new millenium arrives, let's work together instead of fighting and argueing. Or as Synergy put it back in 1992... collectivity beats induviduality because diversity brings chaos never give up - stay atari eof
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