
Sun, Moon and Universe by Raiders Of The Lost Empire [web]

Role presents:
  Sun, Moon and Universe
  A 64k Intro.
  Inspired by "The Vision of Escaflowne"

You should have:
  1GHz Intel compatible personal computer
  Quite a fast harware accelerated 3D Graphics card, better with T&L
  128 MB RAM
  Windows 95 or better
  DirectX 8.0 or better
  A Midi compatible sound card
  Truecolor graphics (16 Bit ZBuffer works only buggy)
  64kB of Hard Disk memory
  A lot of luck
To be able to run the program correctly

  Programming: Joachim Hofer (Chock/Role)
  Music: I have no clue who composed that fantastic nocturne. Sorry.

I just ripped the MIDI file from the sample files of my Creative Labs
Sound Blaster Audigy. I hope you guys from Creative Labs are not mad
at me for that. I just enjoyed the music so much.

If you want to see the hidden part, you will have to know the names
of the persons playing in the anime "The Vision of Escaflowne".
If you watch the hidden part longer than three minutes,
some strange things happen to the hair, that were not created
intentionally. I have no clue why this happens...

  eMail:               [email protected]
  homepage:            www.chock.de.vu/sunmoon    (coming soon)
  Role PC homepage:    www.role.de

Thanks go to:
  Hajime Yatate
  Shoji Kawamori
  Masahiko Minami
  Minoru Takanashi
  Yumi Murase
  Kazuki Akane
  Yoko Kanno
  Hajime Mizoguchi
  Nobuteru Yuki
  Kimitoshi Yamane
  Hiroshi Osaka
  Jun´ichi Azuma
  Kazunori Okeda
  Hirotoshi Sano
  Tomoaki Tsurubuchi
  Kazuhiro Wakabayashi
  Shizuo Kurabashi
    For creating the Vision of Escaflowne Anime Series.

Special thanks go to:
  Mami und Papi für die Unterstützung
  Johannes für allerlei Hilfe
  Benno für, naja, wie in der Bierwerbung... Pitsch patsch pitsch patsch
  Claudia und Christof für all das Bier und die Zahnbürste
  Michi, aber ich fürcht das Autogramm wird trotzdem nicht mehr wert :-)
  Tilmann dafür, dass Du lieber mit Deiner Freundin abhängst als mit uns ;-)
  Rouven für die tolle Zeit und die Mitarbeit bei Crowsoft
  Moritz dafür, dass Du bei 6ft.2 average dabei warst. Na, liest Du das?
  David Sehnal for creating Math Studio that I sadly could not utilize
  Flori, Du hast mich mehr inspiriert, als Du denkst.
  Markus Oberhumer & Laszlo Molnar for writing the compression tool UPX
  The unknown composer of the nocturne
  Creative Labs for the MIDI I ripped from them.
  Ken Perlin for inventing Perlin Noise, which is used about 100000000 times.
  SEGA for giving me so much joy with their Genesis.
  You, because you read this
  Everyone I forgot here, I know you are many, it´s just my brain...
  Und natürlich Iris.
    Nicht nur für Deinen Einfluss auf dieses Programm, sondern für... alles...
    ich kann das nicht in Worte fassen, aber Du verstehst mich wahrscheinlich.