
MellowTro by hitsquad [web]

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                  ·Keep the n64 scene cool and professional·
        ._                                                              _.
        |   name: Rampage World Tour                date: 05·30·98       |

        |   system: Nintendo 64                   format: V64            |

        |   supplier: jame & kage                country: PAL            |

        |   size: 96 mbits                       company: midway        | 
        ·-                                                              -·
                               .·° Notes °·.
                 Thanks to Fractal/Blackbag for the intro.

                            .·° Greets go to °·.

             ·Fairlight·MSFTUG·NIL·Nobunaga·Sneakers·TRSI & LF·
             ·And anyone else trying to make this scene COOL !·
                            .·° Senior Members °·.       
                  ·Funkflex · Siphiroth · Palpy · Fulgore·
              ·Acid ·Flashrom ·Intruder ·JL Picard ·Kage · Zero· Jame_
			      -·Distro Members·- 
                               ·Maulo · Steel·
          		       .·° Distro °·.

	 Acme Acres HitSquad World HQ - xxx.xx.xxx.xxx - 6 gigs - T1
          Rom Pimps Anonymous distro - xx.xx.xx.xx - 11 gig - Cable 
         Craptown BBS German HQ - xxxxxxxx.xxxxxx.xxx - 5 gigs - 128k
            The Wax German Distro Center - INVITE ONLY - ??? - T3
            Currently Accepting Distro Apps·[email protected] 

          To contact us join #hitsquad in EFNet or visit our homepage:

               If you think you can assist Hitsquad in any way be
               sure to email [email protected] to contact us.
                          .·° Releases To Date °·.
   ._                                                               _.
   |  game:                                country:         date:    |
      Heikiro Augusta Masters 98           JAP              01·20·98
   |  Nagano Winter Olympics 98            USA              01·29·98 |
      Nagano Winter Olympics 98            PAL              02·02·98
      NHL Breakaway Hockey                 USA              02·25·98
      WCW Vs. NWO                          PAL              02·27·98
      NHL Breakaway Hockey                 PAL              02·27·98
      Fighters Destiny                     PAL              03·10·98
   |  Yoshi's Story                        USA              03·12·98 |                         ·-                                                                   -·
   |  NBA Pro 98                           PAL              04·14·98 |
      Dual Heroes                          PAL              05·05·98
      Robotron X                           PAL              30·05·98 |
   |  Rampage World Tour                   PAL              30·05·98 |
   ` -                                                             - '