Vaihtokädet - Turnover Hands by tAAt [web]
------------------------------- tAAt 2003 ------------------------------- Vaihtokädet - Turnover Hands tAAt 2003 Party coding experience in Alternative Party 2003 Credits: tArzAn miKROMIkko RallivAIhDE tOiMISTokEiju ruosKAmuIKkUnen keLmUharppU kArpo diskoteekki feat. LeIvänkeITIN Requires: Probably some DirectX Fast computer (>1 GHz) and decent graphics card Win2k+ preferable Uses SDL and SDL_image etc. Libjpeg by Independent JPEG Group. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ,xxx, .xx, .,. .x««««««. ,«««««, .,. x«««;, .«««P~%«««. ,«««XX««, ,::««, .,««««;:, ,;«««P' .%«««, ,«««P;;X««p, ..,:::«««,... .xxx««««XXXXXXXXXXXX«««««xxxxx««««XXXXXXXXXXXXX««««xxxx«««XXXXXXXXXXXX«««xxxx. .x«««P::~~~~~~~~:X«««P;~~~""T««««""""""""""x««««~'`;;T««««P~~~~~~::;«««x. ««««;: .««««P;; ;««««" ,««««P `::X««««, ::;««« :««««;:: ,««««P;; ;««««. .««««P `::X««««, ::;«««x ~%«««;:. :««««P;; %««««. .««««P `::Xx«««; :;lXXxX. `"~ ~~~~'' `~"~ """" ~~~~~~ `~~~` ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Internet home: --- E-mail: [email protected] --- IRCnet: #tAAt
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