
Sierpbounceski by Mindlapse [web]

Sierpbounceski / Mindlapse
A bouncy sierpsinski fractal in 253 bytes.

Author: John Tsiombikas (Nuclear / Mindlapse) <[email protected]>

I release this code into the public domain. Do whatever you like with it.

Typing `make` builds both a DOS com binary (`sierboun.com`), and a bootable boot
sector image (`sierboun.img`) which can be `dd`'ed onto a floppy or a USB stick.

Don't forget to check out 256boss! A special-purpose USB-bootable OS for running
256byte intros: http://nuclear.mutantstargoat.com/sw/256boss

Greetings in alphabetical order:
  abishai aiRness amigo awakener badsector bekos cybernoid demonmass emc fizzer
  hikiko imak jpg moT navis optimus outsider radiant ramy rawnoise samurai thom
  vats vvas zisis