
Pixel.exe by xsolution [web]

                                   ²²²  ²±
                                ±²²   ²  ²
                                ±²²     ²
                                ±²²    ²²
                                ±²²   ²²±
                                ²     ²²±
                               ²  ²   ²²±
                               ±²  ²²²


                     +their very first PC-Demonstration+



                        +this demo won 8th place+

                 +Due to the lame technical organisation+
     +of Dialogos, the demo was not tested before on the compo-machine+
              +and crashed while showing it on the bigscreen.+
        +The hardware of the compo-machine was extremely untested and other+
                          +demo's didn't work, too.+

    +If you get the following error: "Titan error: File does not exist"+
       +please mail me your hardware/software config to fix this prob+ 


       Requirements :
	Win 9x/NT
        DirectX 5 or higher


       ...SFG     :   GFX+Code+Modelling    ([email protected])

       ...Braini  :   Code        ([email protected])

       ...Phantom :   Music       ([email protected])

       Special Thanx by SFG go to :

                - noize|kolor
                - da_flex|blocc
                - ryg|teklords
                - ghyll