
Awakening by OrigARM1

         |     ^            ^      _____|\    |_|\    | ____  |
         |    / \          / \  | /     | \   ||| \   |/    | |
         |   /___\        /___\ |/|-----|  \  |||  \  |    _  |
         |  /     \      /     \|\|     |   \ |||   \ |   | | |
         | /       \_/\_/       \ \_____|    \|||    \|\____| |

              |   ___       _          ^    ____  __  __ _  |
              |  / _ \ _ __(_) __ _   / \  |  _ \|  \/  / | |
              | | | | | '__| |/ _` | /___\ | |_) | |\/| | | |
              | | |_| | |  | | (_| |/     \|  _ <| |  | | | |
              |  \___/|_|  |_|\__, /       \_| \_\_|  |_|_| |
              |               |___/                         |

	Hi! We're OrigARM1.

	(Pronounced Origami, spelt Orig-ARM-1 ;)

	And this is the Help file for
	the Revelation Part(l)y Remix of Awakening,
	our first release......

	But who wrote this??????
	The members of OrigARM1 responsible for this

	David Gamble
	[email protected]
	Code + graphics - wrote 99.59% of Awakening, did 10% of the graphics

	Alex Turner
	[email protected]
	Code, graphics + music - did 90% of the graphics, 0.41% of the coding

	Why did you write this?
	Don't know.
	Do you? If so, please tell us, we'd love to know!

	How long did it take to write?
	Not /long/, but still far too long.

	Who are these people you give greeting to in the demo?
	Frederic Elisei, the undisputed god of clever graphical
	fx, and maintainer of the nice Acorn Demo Server

	Jan Vlietinck
	The undisputed god of 3d. See *info.

	Paul Thompson
	Released !July. A good friend

	A txp coder who qsundel has spoken to, and now worships :)

	John Creer
	The T-Shirt man. <grin>

	How did you write it?
	If you're at Revelation, walk up to us and ask.
	If not, drop us a mail with nice questions <grin>
	If you want to see the source, you'd better persuade
	us that you're a nice person, who warrants me having
	to email you 2Mb. :)

	"See you all soon?"

	There'll have to be a VIDC1 version of this, as
	only one of the parts requires vidc20!

	There are also plans to produce another demo,
	with a more humorous feel, called 'mARMelade'
	Watch out, we already have the samples. <grin>

	Can I put this demo on my web server?
	Yep sure, as long as you recognise that
	this demo +is+
			© OrigARM1 1997,

	I think that's about it.....

	So, from me qsundel,
		and me, Musicmaker
