Smack by Darkness
SúMúAúCúK A small intro by Zephyr/DNS þ Requirements Minimum: 386 or better processor Fully register compatible VGA card Around 500k base mem free Reccomended: Fast 486 or preferably Pentium+ processor Gus/Sb/Pas/Wss for music Fast vlb/pci video card *PLAIN DOS* -- NO win95 þ Problems Well... first of all this is a two day project, so there was hardly and testing/debugging time :) I developed this on a p200, so im sorry that most is not nearly optimized enough.. but it has worked on this machine, another p200, a p75, and a 486/100. I've not been able to actually see it running on these machines, so it may or may not have run properly. If you expereince problems with the sound try running it with anything on the command line (eg SMACK /c) and you can config the sound youself (no auto- detect.) If you get a error message like "MIDAS: Cannot lock virtual DMA buffer" then you should GET OUT OF W95! :) The music will NOT work under w95 unless you are using the GUS driver, which works, but overall proformance is substantially decreased b/c of w95. If you have other problems, all i can suggest is mail me at [email protected]. Thanks! :) Oh yeah, and sorry about the size.. it should be under 64k, but that's what i get for using 3 full 320x200 (64k) screens =) þ Stuff Smack was written in C and assembler.. BC 3.1 and Tasm were used to compile it. It's in realmode (rock :) and mostly regular vga mode 13h, hold the modex 320x480 fake-truecolor plasma ;) All gfx were drawn in Deluxe Paint ][e by me, Zephyr, except for the first DNS logo and the yellow-ish smiley which were done in photoshop (sorry). Absolutly 0% 3D.. enjoy :) Oh yeah, and full source is available upon request. Source should always be free! =] þ Greets NOT in the intro :) iLLKoALa X MrSanchez juangonzo Sandoz j0e Cali fm Kat Bartek poNiC humanoid beek human Moon-man Ruiner axl Cruel_Creator Drax WAVE Yannis StereoMan lummy and of course, Sahara Surfers for the EXCELLENT midas music system.. and kbx128, who's module i found on AKA's Mod Page =^) .. tnx much!! þ Contacts #trax [email protected]
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