
Pseudoreality by Darkness


         This is gonna be a short and sweet text on PSREAL... here goes.

³ Requirements ³

         þ VGA card (VLB or PCI would be very helpfull)
         þ 80386 or better (486 preferable)
         þ At least 275K of conventional memory free (tough to get huh? :)
         þ A GUS/SBxx/PAS/WSS for music

³ Last Minute Info ³

        Ok... this is Darkness's FIRST production, so go easy on me. :)  This
entire intro, GFX, CODE, and MUSIC, was done all by me, Zephyr.  As of now,
DNS only has two real members:  Zephyr (me), and Darkfox.  If you wish to
join, we REALLY need members - code/music/gfx/anything.  But moving on to the
intro...  This little intro has been tested on 2 machines.  Mine (a 486/120)
and my friends Pentium/100.  If it fails on your machine, please send reports
to [email protected].  The entire productions is about 95% C and 5% asm.  It was
made in under 3 days and it was compiled with Borland C/C++ v3.1.  The music
sub-system used is called MIDAS and it an EXCELLENT lib for people to lazy to
write thier own sound systems. (like me :)  If you have any questions,
comments, flames, or just want to say hi, write me at [email protected] or on
IRC (efnet) in #dns96.  The lame DNS web page is located at
http://www.cris.com/~micali.  Midas is available at ftp.cdrom.com in the
good 'ole /pub/demos/ directory.  The source code to this intro is available
on request.  (via email)  Thanx for d/ling PseudoReality! :)

                                        - Zephyr