
Abducted by GeeWhiz Records

*      ABDUCTED      *
by GeeWhiz Records

- IBM compatible PC with at least 486 CPU
- 2MB graphics-card with VESA Extension BIOS 2.0 and
    linear-framebuffer support (native or via univbe)
- soundcard (SB,GUS,PAS,WSS)
- alota memory ;-)   (8MB??)
- about 5MB HD-space
tested on:
p5/133,48MB,Matrox Millenium 2MB,GUS/MAX 1MB,
p5/133,16MB,Elsa Winner TrioV+ 2MB, Soundblaster 16 clone,

Abducted uses the graphics mode 640x480x32 to view 
hires-truecolor gfx. If your graphics-card doesn't 
support it, the program will not run (no 24bit support).
If Abducted can not detect a supported soundcard, it 
will prompt you for the details. All sound output is done
via MIDAS SOUND SYSTEM v0.50. If your machine crashes
during sound detection try deleting the file abducted.cfg.
On some systems the mouse may be very slow, because many
mousedrivers don't understand vesa-modes. To speed up your
mouse write a batch like this: mouse /be_faster,abducted,
mouse /be_slower.
If you get a "memory error" try freeing up more XMS/EMS mem.

All graphics were rendered using POV Ray 3.0 and no modellers
were used. Most of the tracks were composed with screamtracker
(some with fasttracker) and the sourcecodes were compiled with
Watcom C-compiler 10.0a. All of my sources were written in C,
only some of the MIDAS stuff was done in asm (although, most
of my C stuff is written in pretty low-level style...)

If you want to contact us for whatever reason (questions, comments,
critics...) mail us at:
e-mail:		[email protected]
snail:		Kersten & Eric Schaefer
		Schevenstr. 45
		D-01326 Dresden
Check out our homepage: