
Breakfast by Molecoola [web]

 .:Breakfast - The 2nd chipmusicdisk
 .:padre Vincenzo /Mcl^Inq^Set^Ptx
 .:BoyC /Digital Dynamite

 .:Released at Flag2002 Budapest, Hungary


   This pack contains 27 chipmusics for Your pleasure and enjoyment.
   All of them composed by me, padre Vincenzo. I am a member of some
   sceneteams like Molecoola, Inquisition, Pathetix. They are hungarian
   groups. And i am a member of an international team called
   Satellite Entertainment Team.
   Composing music is one of the greatest things in my life.
   The sounding of the oldie Commodore64 is another thing i like much,
   creating songs like C64 sids is not too easy, but i enjoy it.

   I hope You'll like my musics!

 .:Some info
   - All the musics are under 1oo kbytes and made with Impulse Tracker
   - Some of them are released before
   - Some of them aren't released before :P
   - You can find some conversion from C64 or a "real" music
   - The smallest tune needs only 4kbyte hdd space
   - None of the musics are reached the 100kbyte line

       01. 1616
	   A little 4 channel tune. The title means the finished time

       02. 4kmin
           4kbytes and 2 pattern

       03. 7252
	   Another 4 chanelled tune with strange sounding

       04. Blondie on the street
           50 sec. chiphop tune. Inspired by Jester /Sanity

       05. Brainstorm
           3 min. total chaos. Techno still alive! :P

       06. Easy
           C64 samples rulez. 4ominutes of hard work...

       07. C.a.f.g
           Cafg means: Cmaj, Amin, Fmaj, Gmaj, the chords of the music

       08. Clouds
           Inspired by one of P.R.I./Oxyron's music

       09. Cave of echoes
	   Nice flute, nice arpeggios, nice oldskool feeling

       10. Egy ez a tabor
           This is a cover of "Egy ez a tabor" by Edda.

       11. Echoes of hearts
           Arpeggios, glides, what a chiplover wants :)

       12. Lord Frankenstein
           Strange but lovely tune

       13. Motion blur
           No more ideas to finish it...

       14. Mothafucka' move
           Funky? Easy listening? Delete?

       15. Movin beatz
           4channel module, crazy, funky, not a typical chip

       16. More than words
           A little techomusic (maybe chipno :)

       17. Positive negatives
	   Originally released at "Darkcompo" and now here

       18. Sweet blue rain
           The samples made by Skaven and i used them to make
           a nice filtered tune, here is the result

       19. Smiling face
           Originally released at Flag2oo1 4channel compo.
           I had to release it again b-coz it is one of my favourite :)

       20. She has gone
           No comment

       21. Silence
	   Triolas with a little strange sounding
           This music requires mmx filters

       22. Selfkiller bogyo-dance
           Made in 2 hours after midnight, idiotic title...

       23. Technical failure
	   I used some of Rez's samples in this tune
	   Techno meets melody

       24. Usagi - Samurai warrior
           Conversion of the famous C64 game.

       25. Variation
           Variation of "Motion blur"

       26. War
           Another music with mmx filtered instruments
           And with strange sounding :P

       27. Waves of prey
	   This is a Big Cipcompo #3 release
	   Minimalistic style



     Molecoola - Inquisition - Satellite Entertainment Team - Greenroom
   Astroidea - Chrysalis - Digital Dynamite - Analogik - Pixolut - Dinasty
     Umlaut Design - Mandula - Resource - Coma - Singular - Crimson Jihad
     Astral - ByTeam - Elvonts - Exceed - Fresh - Black Rainbow - Dilemma

 .:Closing words

   ThankYou for downloading this little package.
   I hope You enjoy the musics.
   Check out for more releases in the future!

   padre Vincenzo
   Budapest, Hungary

   [email protected]
   [email protected]