Tea by The Dennis Courtney 5
tttttt from the dennis courtney five tttttt makefood tttttt section ,tttttt. ,ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt\ ,ttttttttttttttttt.tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt. ,ttttttttttttttttt.....tttt....ttt.....tttttttttttt/~~~~~~\ttttt. ,ttttttttttttttttttttt.ttttt.tttt.ttttttt.tttttttttt| teatea |ttttt ,tttttttttttttttttttttt.ttttt......ttt.....ttttttttttt\. e /tttttt ,ttttttttttttttttttttttt.tt.tt.ttttttt.ttt..ttttttttttttt\ a /tttttt' ttttttttttttttttttttttttt..tttt.....ttt...t.tttttttttttttt\./tttttt' ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt/ ttttttttttt' `tttttt' ttttttttt' tttttt tttttttt' tttttt tea. `ttttttt comes : tttttt tttttt' tttttt `ttttt. `ttttt `tttt. ......... `ttt ............................... the who what ========> `' gd . code-compile gfx music cookie-bake house phoenix . gfx-erase cookie-eat fast demos death rally skie . music gfx style cookie-bake yay thank to flap of capacala for capaplay 2 ! #tE@ ........................................................... infos ========> *** tea_man ([email protected]) has joined channel #dc5 <phoenix> uhh <skie> HAHAHAHAHA <axl> tea_man! tea_man! tea_man! tea_man! tea_man. *** Mode change "+o tea_man" on channel #dc5 by gd <tea_man> I BOIL LIKE GLASS AND TASTE LIKE TREES. <gd> woop to tea man <tea_man> I SMELL LIKE DIRT WHEN DRY! IN LITTLE WHITE DIAPER BAGGY. <dennisc> =D <tea_man> AND. <phoenix> oh, there's more? <tea_man> YES! SILENCE! <dennisc> rock <tea_man> YES I ROCK. I ROCK ALL TEAZ! <gd> drop of cream and three sugar lumps please <dennisc> nice rhyme <skie> eep, tea_man is great! <necros> tea_man you crackhead <phoenix> fear green, green tea <dennisc> phoenix, that's gross <phoenix> sorry <axl> drink my tea-tank <tea_man> TANK MY TEA! TANK IT UP LIKE A FISH TANK OF TEA! <dennisc> reminds me of the time this piece of grass blew into my tea and i accidentally drank it <phoenix> dc: eww <skie> gross!!!! *** tea_man has been kicked off channel #dc5 by phoenix (come again) ........................................ how to operate ==============> need .. dos, computer (or aol), diskspace 150kb, memoryspace 200kb, vga media, gus media, braincell media. unzip and type 'tea' at the prompt. if you have not the gus media, worry not! for tea can still run in silent mode. to exit program before end press the secret hotkey combo: ctrl-alt-del if videomedia is black long time its just the multipoly precalculation. for added fun, replace tea.pal file with your own palette! wow! tea is optimized for 486dx33, so if it runs too fast on your multimedia system, try turning turbo off. .................................. we greet and thank these people ======> bob ross - happy mountains feather - teapot ren miss saigon - chain letters dennisc - tea stories floss - atomic baygles recC - media axl - tank basehead - simon, pong, and other multimedia charms rECTUM cAUDA pWp THe MOnGOL necros - frothy cack raU amp grover elmo big bird stimpy ernie zen zen. bert ab-fab axl cAck tea tpolm tea kRiXXoR kRaXXoRs bWta mr.t . ................. ..... ...... ..... ........ ......... ..... ......... tea is copywhat (c) 1997 by the dennis courtney five. reproduce at will.
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